Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates
Empowered Within is Your Soul Quenching Podcast that will Set Your Soul on Fire! Jennifer along with leading experts, celebrities, spiritual healers and culture changers share their real life journeys of how they have overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. They'll also share their top secrets to everything from happiness and spirituality, to health and wellness and so much more! Tune in today for the latest Empowered Within episode with your host, Jennifer Pilates. Empowered Within Host: Hi, I'm Jennifer! Empowering You to Be You! Welcome to my cozy world, our "ah-ha" place of growth, insights, healing, inspiration and empowering success!" Transforming Body, Mind & Spiritus Worldwide for 24+ Yrs" - Jennifer Pilates I'm a mutli-passionate entrepreneur, Spiritual Thought Leader, Holistic Health & Wellness Expert,
Renown Clairvoyant-Medium, Spiritual Advisor + Mentor, Reiki Master Healer, Top-Rated Podcast Host, Author, International Speaker & Beacon of Light (Really!)
I'm a detail-loving stubborn-as-heck achiever, unshakeable optimistic, self-care activity, fur-baby momma and ocean loving empath! "My goal is to help you discover your own truths, gain self-empowerment and in turn transform Body, Mind and Spirit."
Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates
Breaking Free: Energy Healing, Human Design, and Awakening Your Purpose with High Vibe Heather
In this transformative episode, Jennifer welcomes Heather O'Donnell, AKA High Vibe Heather, a certified energy healer and human design guide. Heather shares her incredible journey from people-pleasing and rock bottom to stepping into her authentic power through energy healing, spiritual awakening, and human design.
Together, they discuss how understanding your human design chart can help you align with your purpose, create emotional clarity, and transform your life. Don't miss this powerful conversation about energy healing, living authentically, and embracing your true self!
Connect with Heather: highvibeheather.com
Learn more about Jennifer: jenniferpilates.com
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Welcome to Empowered Within, a soul quenching, transformational podcast that will set your soul on fire through candid and inspiring conversations. Leading experts, celebrities, healers, and I share our journeys of how we've overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. I'm your host, Jennifer Pilates. Welcome to another episode of Empowered Within.
Audio Only - All Participants:Hi there, and welcome to the show. I'm so excited to have with us my friend, Heather O'Donnell, AKA High Vibe Heather. Heather is a certified energy healer and human design guide who teaches others how to heal on an energetic level in order to connect with their purpose and transform their lives. As someone who struggled with people pleasing, she reached her rock bottom. bottom when her whole life imploded. This turn of events center on a healing journey that forced her to confront her deepest fears and reconnect with her own life in order to take agency and step into her personal power. Welcome to the show, Heather. Hi Jennifer. It's so great to be here with you today. So great to be, have you here. Oh my goodness. Everyone, I was honored to be on Heather's podcast a couple of months ago and we were like, how come she hasn't been on yet? And so here she is. We made it happen and we're so excited to deep dive into energy healing, spiritual awakening, human design, and all the goodies in between. So let's start with. Your spiritual awakening and how that all happened in your amazing, beautiful life. Oh, I love this question. Okay, so I grew up in quite a religious home, going to an evangelical church, being in like youth group and Iwana clubs and all of that. I was very much indoctrinated and I thought that I had this like connection with God, but it was under a very different type of God that I now know. It was more of the authoritative, kind of shame programming around be good or you're gonna go to hell. And that led me to feel really stressed out and anxious, you know, I was working so hard to live this picture perfect life and be everything to everyone else because, you know, that's what I thought I needed to do to be a good person, to be a good Christian. So after realizing, no matter how much I give and give and do for others, I am Not getting my life moving forward in any direction for myself. And I was kind of stuck at this place where I was like, this is not working for me. And I was introduced to human design right about that time and that really prompted a spiritual awakening in me. And this happened to be around the time that I started to also go through some marital difficulties. Where I I feel like the universe was conspiring to really, like, wake me up and shift my whole perspective on how I viewed my life, my purpose, and show me that there is a better world. More aligned way of being where I can actually get what I want out of life while being in service to others So it was around 2018 that I had that spiritual awakening and I tell you my life went on a completely New trajectory from that moment on it looks so different now that I can't even fathom like how Did I get from there to here? That is so brave of you and so exciting all at the same time. Now we've talked about you being a highly sensitive person, an empath. How did that come into play during your spiritual awakening? When did you realize that, oh, I have these gifts, oh, this is what it's called? Yeah, so honestly, human design is what really opened my eyes to that, because when I looked at my charts, so there's these nine centers in your human design. They're called energy centers, and they correspond to the nine centers of the chakra system, the main ones, and one of them's called your emotional solar plexus center. So for me, this center was completely open, meaning like I didn't generate my own energy in that center on a consistent basis, but rather I'm somebody who takes in, reflects, and amplifies the emotional energy of my environment. And I was like, oh my god, that makes so much sense. I have felt like I've been this complete, you know, emotional rollercoaster, and I can't figure it out, like, when I'm on my own, I feel very calm, but I get around other people, and all of a sudden, I'm just like, what is happening? All of these intense emotions. And then I, saw that, and I was like, that's what's going on. Oh my god. I'm not crazy, I am just taking in everybody's emotions around me, so learning what was mine and what was somebody else's, just being able to discern that energy was life changing for me. Suddenly I understood, who was good for me to be around and who wasn't, who I needed to have boundaries around because being around them made me feel like chaos. Oh, how fascinating. And all of this you discovered through looking at your human design chart? Yeah. Yeah. That is so fascinating. Those that maybe don't know what human design is and or the chart, let's talk about that a little bit. What is it and how does it benefit us? Yeah, so human design is known as the science of differentiation, and it's like an amalgamation of these four major, belief systems that, you know, we as humans have concocted through the years, so it combines astrology, the I Ching, which is the Chinese book of changes, laying out the 64 archetypes of behavior, the Kabbalah tree of life, And, it's passing me at the moment, it'll come back to me, the last thing, but anyway, so it combines all of these different systems into this one understanding where we can then see how we are energetically. How we as individuals generate energy on a consistent basis and what parts of ourselves we can rely on versus what parts of ourselves are, like I said with the emotion center, picking up other people's energy and kind of throwing us into like doubt and confusion. So by understanding how your energetic makeup is composed, you can really start to live into that, and take your life into alignment. Like, oh, this is how my body tells me that this is where I'm supposed to go, and this is what I'm supposed to do, and this is how it tells me, like, no, that's not for you. So it gives you all this information that you can then use to direct your life towards moving in the direction you want to go. I love human design. I think it's absolutely so interesting the further you dive into it now I know that if someone were to go to your website and we'll give it out later You can do like a free human design chart. So I have questions about this forever and ever I had always been a manifesting generator and I Resonate with that. It makes sense to me and then recently I would say in the last few years If I had, other people on or if I went to other, charts or something like that, I would only come up a generator, not a manifesting generator. Right? And no one would believe me. I'm like, no, no, no, no. I'm not a, I'm a manifesting generator. And so I wonder, are there different programs out there that will shi cause it's my same birthday, same everything. It's just that some will shift it one way versus another. And so I was wondering what you think about that. Yeah. Okay. So it is meant to be like, One type for your whole life, because it's like astrology, it's based on the calculation of your birth time, date, location. So as long as that is being entered in consistently, the calculation should be the same for the energy type that you are shown. To help clarify, the difference between a generator and a manifesting generator is they both have that sacral center defined, which is that center for creativity, vitality, sexuality. It's the most powerful motor center of all of the energy centers that we have in our makeup. So the difference then is manifesting generators will have a connection From their sacral center to also a defined throat center, whereas a generator, they will not have that connection. They, so I'm going to ask, do you have a defined throat center in your human design? I don't remember. Okay. I don't remember. We'd have to look at it. I don't remember. But I do resonate with if I'm making a decision it has to be a heck yeah, like it has to be a heck Yeah, hundred percent. There can't be a question about it. Yeah And what's interesting about that is because the sacral center is attuned to how much physical energy capacity you have like her moment, that's how it's going to respond. So even if it's something you're really excited about, but you're like, it's the end of the day and you're tired, you don't have the energy to do it, it's going to give you a no. Then it's like, okay, ask me again tomorrow when I have, you know, more energy, and then it'll be that. Yes, let's do it. So it's really interesting how the different types, you know, they give you different information that's going to help you make decisions based on moment to moment, because we're meant to live in the present. That's so interesting. Okay. I have a question for you recently I've had this decision that came up and it was like such a yes. And then there was a decision behind that one. It was such a yes. Right. And I'm so excited about it. I'm like, Oh my God, this is so amazing. I've seen all the signs, I've seen everything. And then something happened in the last 24 hours that has like. Rocked my entire life to the point that I just feel frozen just frozen that I should you know And I believe in if you don't know what to do you do nothing right until you and so I feel like oh My gosh, every decision that I just made I feel like I need to undo I feel it was a go without saying too much it was all like, okay it's time to go and all of a sudden it's I don't want to go. I don't feel like I'm supposed to I don't want to leave this. Isn't that crazy? That is crazy. So had you made, like a commitment based on those yeses that you felt? Sort of. Okay. There's one major one. And I feel like I could potentially get out of that. I think I can back, backtrack out of that. I think. But everything else there, you know, it was. It was all in luxe. It was all flexible, so everything else was very flexible. It was just the, you know, the major thing about where I currently am living. Okay. Yeah, that was like, I was like, yeah, I'm going to be out on like the first and now I'm like, I don't know that I can leave. Oh yeah. Yeah. And so, now I had said earlier in the week, the person was asking like a question about something. And I said, let me get back to you on Thursday. And I didn't know why spirits told me you tell them Thursday. And I'm sitting here I don't know. Yeah, so when those things happen that just rock us to our core and bring up those insecurities and those fears, I definitely agree with you, take a pause. Be with those feelings, be with those fears, hear what they have to say to you before you move into action, because it could go either way. You know, maybe this really is a turn of events that's going to change those commitments or maybe this is just an opportunity for you to alchemize those fears and move forward anyway. Yeah, that's a good thought. Yeah, I haven't, I've just been numb, just numb. Yeah, and that's so normal to go into that fight or flight state and like freeze. That's what I do. I go into a freeze. And I'm just like, okay, I can't move forward because I am too paralyzed. Like I, yeah, no. I went for a walk on the beach, like I did that. I walked around, I did what I was guided to do, and I'm doing this. And other than that, I feel like my whole life just got flipped upside down. Not necessarily in a bad way, by the way, but the turn of events to do this are not great. So yeah, I was just curious how that reflects in the human design chart and how that works yeah. Another factor would be. If you have your emotion center defined or not, so if you know that piece, when I should pull it up. I do. Yeah. We got to pull up your chart, Jennifer. Pull it up. Pull it up, girlfriend. Pull it up. Okay. Pull it up. Let's pull it up. We're pulling it up. Yeah. Okay. I need a little tissue. I was trying not to. It's not a podcast if I don't shed a tear or two. Right. It's like a new thing. It's a new thing now. If I'm not crying in the podcast, it just, you know, it isn't a thing. Okay, so I'm going to enter your name and Oh, here. I'll put it in, I'll put my information in the chat for you. Perfect. Okay. We're going to do this on the spot. We're doing it on the spot. And when I have done it through you, it did come through Manifesting Generator. Okay. So I've always, it's so bad to say, so I've always judged people. If I go to your chart, if I go to your free chart and it comes up generator, you'll never hear from me and you won't be on the podcast, but because I just knew, like I knew, like I'm like, that's not cause the person's only telling you half the story. Yeah. Yeah. Cause there is a difference between the generator and manifesting generator. So 100%. Yeah. Did I get it right? Yeah. I put everything in there. Right. Yeah. Okay. Look how high tech I am. Using the, using the Zoom chat. Six years later, I figure it all out. I know, right? And now the Zoom picture is the way it's supposed to be too. It's upstairs, downstairs. Oh, that's great. Okay, so you've got it figured out. I don't know. Zoom did it. I did nothing. I love it though. Okay, let's see. Okay. So interesting. I have your chart here. I'm looking at it. It lists your type as a generator, but what's happening here is you do have your, your sacral center defined and you have your throat center defined, but the The thing is, is there's a split in your definition, meaning they're not connected. So there's two different parts of your design that aren't working together, meaning you're just getting two different perspectives on any given situation where your energy's not fully like connected up as a complete circuit. Does that make sense? I think so. Yes. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you have a defined throat center, meaning like you have that. Energy to, manifest and express yourself consistently available to you. When I say manifest, I mean like take action and through words and deeds into the world to not have to, do that in collaboration with other people. You have that ability, but because it's not connected to your sacral center through a channel. or through another center, then what's happening is those two aren't working together to create that manifesting generator connection. Am I explaining that in a way? Yeah, I think that makes sense. Okay. So you also do have your emotion center defined. So what that means is You are somebody who is consistently moving through an emotional wave. So how you feel one moment is going to be different than how you feel the next. And so you need to really honor that emotional wave, and not take action from an emotional high or an emotional low. Mm hmm. That makes sense. So, With this new piece of information coming into your life, this turn of events, I would really, advise that you just, take a beat, you know? Don't make any decisions from this place where you're feeling all of these new emotions around this situation. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, which is what I felt, and maybe that's why earlier this week the universe had guided me, tell this person on Thursday that you'll confirm one way or another. Yeah. Yeah, you need to come to a place of emotional clarity and you know, there's no timeline for that, you know, specifically to happen. It's just, you have to feel the feelings and move through it and you'll know when you've Reach that clarity and then you'll know how to move forward from there. But until you get to that place where you feel like calm and settled in your own energy around it, just continue to sit with it. 100%. Yeah, it's in waves right now. It's like I can be good for um, minute and then not good. Yeah. Yeah. Definite ways for sure. For sure. And honoring, wanting to honor, all this stuff. So fascinating. So I love that you just whip that up and that you dug in there and you, you talked about that. I think that's really fun for people to hear, to go, Oh, that's how A plus B equals C when we're looking at human design. I think that's really important on a emotional level and also looking at answering questions as far as what you're feeling in your life. How do you feel that human design benefits someone in their life and in their business? Because I'm sure you can look at it from both perspectives. So for this example right here that we just talked through, knowing that like, oh, you have emotional definition. So you're feeling all of these emotions as you're. This information is coming in and to know, I can't make a decision from this place until I have that clarity. It's gonna let you know, what is my process for moving through things? What is my process for making An aligned decision. If you didn't have your emotions defined, you know, I wouldn't necessarily advise you to wait for that emotional clarity. You know, I would say, if you're feeling like you're in a freeze response, definitely honor that. But, you're not gonna feel those emotional waves in that. That you have to come to that place. So it really does guide you through like, okay, what is my body communicating to me and how? So that you can make those decisions that are aligned without judging yourself or steamrolling or gaslighting your own experience. And it, for me, it's really helped me to develop a sense of self trust because as I make each correct decision, like according to. my unique design, I can see like, Oh, that actually led to this thing over here that I've really wanted to experience. But those are where the feeling themes are going to come in. Every one of the energy types has, a set of feeling themes that let you know, Whether you are in alignment or not. So for a generator and a manifesting generator, it's the same. It's, the feelings of being, satisfied because, you've put in that work and you feel good about the rewards. Whereas it's frustration if you've put in the work and you did it out of obligation or because, you know, you Feel like you should and then nothing comes out of it and you're just feel like you wasted your time and energy Like there's nothing worse for a generator manifesting generator than to have that feeling like oh So it really does guide you through all of these different little ways of helping you to recognize like Was I really listening to and honoring my truth in that moment, or was I allowing pressure from outside of me to dictate my decisions, and how I spend my time and energy. That is fabulous and amazing. I love that because it's so important to know what's going on, especially now because in our world it feels like there is so much coming at everyone in every angle and emotions are running high and then you add in just the astrology and you add in the collective energies and it's a lot to learn how to discern. Yeah. Your energy from someone else. Now share with me how you incorporate your energy healing work within your human design work. Yeah. So. Because I, you know, specifically learned that I have this, emotion, open emotion center where I'm feeling all the feelings around me, that's when I was like, I need help, learning how to. regulate this, learning how to clear my own energy so that I'm not consistently carrying around other people's stuff. And so that led me to working with an energy healer, and then, eventually becoming an energy healer myself so that I could I work with my own energy on a daily basis, but also now when I work with clients, I love to incorporate them together because I do feel like human design is a form of energy healing in itself, helping you like discern and understand how you function as an individual. But, namely for people who do have that emotion center open, helping them to clear other people's energy from their system is something that I feel like is really, really valuable and helpful because then they can begin to discern what belongs to them and what belongs to someone else. So I do a lot of work around, I love this method, it's called, emotion code. And it helps to process through emotions that have gotten stuck in your system because you didn't, process them at the time that they happened. You just either, took it on from someone else, or, in the moment, you didn't take the time to be with it. So then It's sitting there in your field. So using emotion code helps to acknowledge, okay, these are the emotions that I'm still holding on to. And it's a way of just rapidly releasing them. So that's one of my favorite tools. And I've done like programs before where, you know, we'll do one session will be. Like human design, we're going to look at a specific part of your chart and learn about that and the next session will be, okay, now we're going to do energy clearing around that. And then we alternate back and forth between those. I've really loved doing that in particular because I feel like it helps kind of supercharge the work of yes, I'm understanding myself and I'm doing the clearing work at the same time. So that I can start to, like, be more in alignment, a let go of the past, let go of these Old ways of being these things I've held on to and have clarity to move in to the future Oh, we all need that. This could be like a year long program a lifelong program Yeah, oh my gosh for sure. Oh my goodness. That is so amazing is there a common denominator? Ever do you think when you're looking at people's charts like, Oh, this is something that generally is there. I'm going to look there first to see if they have this too. Or is everything really so different between people? I mean, after a while, of, doing readings, I do start to pick up on some, commonalities. And because human design has a way of, what's the word I want to use? Creating, like, little distinctions. So we've got the energy types, we've got the authorities, we've got the profiles, but everybody's got a different combination of those things. So, we might have the same energy type, but we'll have a different authority or we'll have a different profile. And so just like knowing solidly what, each of those distinct parts of someone's chart are. And then. Like the combination, like it says, always going to be different, but I can say like, oh, I, because you're this profile, like this is the kind of thing you're going to have to deal with on a consistent basis or because this is your authority. this is how you're going to be. Looking at decisions and moving through them. So by going with those general distinctions, you know, it really helps to, find those commonalities. But yeah, the combinations make it all super unique to the individual. How often do you find yourself going back and looking at your own chart in terms of like things that are going on in life or decisions that you're wanting to make? I've been studying human design for about 8 years now, and so, they call it an experiment. You know, it's like not a belief system, but it's like a way of living that you experiment with on a daily basis. And so I'm constantly referring to my human design as far as did I really follow my strategy and authority? Or was I feeling this pressure from outside of me and just it's become so ingrained in me where I am Noticing, where in specific am I feeling pressure, around what areas of my life? And then, okay, well, that course correlates. Yeah, I do have an undefined center there. So those undefined centers you have in your chart are really going to show you where you're going to feel that pressure from outside of you to act out of alignment. So just really understanding, like, Oh, yeah, I, I want to hurry up and get this off my plate because I have an undefined route. And that center is all about pressure to perform. And when somebody assigns me something, I just want to get it done. So I don't feel like I'm breathing down my neck anymore, you know, like learning how to work with those parts of myself. This helped me actually create good boundaries around. my own energy. Like, okay, yes, I do feel that pressure, but is it really necessary for me to clear my day to just get this thing done so I make this other person happy? No. And I, living like that isn't sustainable. And so learning, ways that I can work with that. Okay, so if I just put it on my calendar for a time that really works well for me, that helps relieve the pressure. And then I can, you know, work on it at a time that Makes more sense instead of constantly giving over to the demands of life. Which are so many. That is one, incredible advice. But two, a really interesting way to know that you can peel back the layers of whom you are as a person even deeper with your human design to understand. Why it is you are the way that you are, and why it is, you know, life is the way that it is. And is it moving in the direction you want, or is there something that could be a stumble block that Heather could simply shine a light on and have that aha moment? Yeah. For sure. So tell me how, with human design, how do you feel astrology plays into it? Yeah, so astrology is one of the major components that makes up the system. So we have to know the date, time, and location of your birth in order to get the calculation. And then, so, if you look at astrology, it divides the sky into twelve, the zodiac. Well, human design divides the sky into 64, and that's the 64 archetypes of the I Ching. And those are corresponding to the 64 gates in the human design system. So these gates are your inherent gifts. These are your, the traits or characteristics that you brought into this lifetime. Ooh, that sounds like fun! Yeah! So each of them lives under one of the zodiac signs. So, it just brings a whole nother layer of depth to it when you're like, okay, so I have this gate and this gate is in this. particular sign. And so it helps bring more understanding to it because now you're not just dealing with that, the trait itself, but you're also dealing with the influence, the planetary influence of whatever zodiac sign that's in. So I think it's just a really, like, never ending, fascinating rabbit hole where It colors, there's so many nuances to it that continue to make it even more, make you more distinct, based on, you know, your chart versus somebody else, because they might have that same, gate, but have been born at a, a different time. And so it's going to fall under a different zodiac sign. And so they're going to have a different influence. So it's just so unique how, we each are. It is, I just think it's so fascinating when after layer and being able to have all that in one place just seems incredibly powerful and impactful to be able to dive in and look at yourself that much deeper. Yeah. The planetary influences, they, they are for real. There's no, avoiding that. Right, that's like in a day to day life right now. And now we have, we're going into five planets aligning, which has never been done for any of us. In any of our lifetimes, I don't know if you knew this or not, that's happening in astrology right now. and what is today? Just so people get an idea. It's January, what are we doing? January 15th. So that's when this is beginning. So this is a powerful time and this is a a very interesting and wild ride of an astrological year 2025 that we're all going into. So yeah, I think it's a really good time for people to know who the heck they are. So you should probably be calling Heather. That's something really interesting. So human design, it talks about the year 2027, and this is the year where we are going to be experiencing our next layer of evolution as far as our consciousness goes. And so Kind of a big deal. And we are seeing a lot of shifts collectively as we prepare for this next leap. And what the human design community specifically is talking about is how we are going to be moving into more of a time when We need to be self reliant. We aren't going to be given the, I don't, the word, I'm trying to find the right one. It's basically more like the, ability to kind of cop out and, put our eggs into somebody else's basket and expect them to kind of, like, pull us through. No, we're being forced on an individual level to, look inside and see where we are relying and depending on anything outside of us. And being given opportunities through unique challenges and obstacles that we are each facing in our own lives to overcome that dependence that we have on others and, you know, systems outside of us. So that we can really be authentically aligned and trust our own lives and have that ability to live in integrity with who we are and what we're meant to do here. Absolutely. And it's so important to know that and who doesn't want to get a head start now in 2025? now's the time with everything that's coming down the chute, so to speak, between now and 2027. So. Yeah. I mean, what a great opportunity to be able to dive deep in. I think anytime someone has an opportunity to understand more about themselves so that they can progress and evolve in their life is an impactful moment that shouldn't be overlooked for sure. Yeah. Personally, I've just, every time I'm something comes up, I'm just like, Oh my God. Okay. Where am I looking outside of myself to fix and rescue me? Oh, that's a big one. Oh, that's a big one. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Wow. That's the challenge right now. Totally. Yes, it is. It totally is the challenge. Well, oh my gosh. Heather, this has been amazing. We could talk hours and days and days on all of this. We are at this time in the show where I ask you this one question. Are you ready? Let's do it. What is one thing that maybe nobody knows about Heather O'Donnell? Oh my God. Oh. I love this question. Okay. So, can't believe I'm going to say this out loud, but I am really interested in learning more about being, like, a dom. A what? You know, have you heard of, like, submissives and doms, dominants, in, like, the kind of kink world? I thought you said dumb. You said dom. Like, we're Yeah. Oh, we're about to go down a rabbit hole. Oh my gosh. So, we're, we're talking, like, what's that movie? Are you talking about like, are you going there? Oh, are you talking about Fifty Shades of Grey? Yes! Did we just go to Fifty Shades of Grey? You know, not necessarily. We went grey though. We went grey. We went grey. And this is kind of a part of myself that like, growing up in the church is like, sex was very shameful. And I've really been feeling like that's something I need to own. And myself is like, yeah, I'm a sexual being. We all are. And there is no shame around that. But specifically around learning how to step into more of that dumb, dominant energy. And really learn how to control a room. Or like, you know, you step into a space and own it. That's, that's something I've really been like, I'm super interested in and you know, I live in the right place for this. You do. Are we talking about stepping? Because I just want to clarify this for people listening. Are we talking about stepping into a room and like we have on a ball gown and we're owning the room? Are we talking about stepping into the room in a dom situation? And you We're owning that room because those are two different rooms. Yeah. So both, both, I've actually been doing research, like, where can I take workshops? Where can I learn? And I think like being able to do it in the context of like. A dungeon, you know, with a whip would really help me to own that part of myself so that I could step into a room in a ball gown and have, hold that energy of yeah, I can do this. I love it. Yes, girl. Yeah. Well, this is going to be, this is a first. I mean, I think we just, we just went down to a whole nother podcast on with this now. I feel like this is a whole, whole podcast in and of itself. And so for those going, well, where does she live? Because we want to live there. Tell them, you don't have to tell them the town, just tell them the state. Yeah, well, I live in Portland, Oregon. So there you have it. It's the capital of weirdos and, you know, eccentric and anything goes here. So, of course, there's a place where you can take a workshop on that. I'm like, nothing shocks me anymore in this world. It really doesn't. I'm happy for you. I'm happy that you came out and that you felt safe enough and vulnerable enough to be able to share that with us. Because if you're feeling that way, surely Someone, somewhere in the world is having the same thought and the same feeling, and now who knows, they're going to be your neighbor in Oregon. So there we have it. I love it. I can't believe I just admitted that out loud. Well, we can always edit it out, but you can let me know. So if you do hear this, people, we didn't edit it. I love it. As we close out the show today, Heather, what lasting piece of inspiration would you like to leave with us today? Ooh. I just would love to encourage you to really trust yourself. Feel your body and the information it's presenting you and trust it. Move from that place. Don't give in to the pressure around you and continue to live out of a place of fear or doubt. Obligation, but really know that when you are doing what's right for you, it's really what's right for everyone. Amen to that. That is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for that. And will you share with our community where can they best connect with you? Yeah, my website, hi vibe heather. com, I'm also on Instagram under the same handle, hi. vibe. heather, I have my own podcast, hi vibe heather podcast, I keep it simple. Everything's the same name, and those are, yeah, the easiest ways to connect with me. Fabulous. And as always, all of Heather's information will be over in the show notes, so you can jump over there, click through the links, and you can get in contact with her. Heather, this is, again, this has been so much fun, very eye opening, on so many levels. But more so, just thank you for helping us to guide us to a new modality that we can dive in and get to know ourselves better. Yeah. My pleasure. Thank you so much for having me. It was really fun to have this conversation. Absolutely. You're so welcome. Well, as we say, until next time, may you live an empowered life from within.
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