Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates

Finding Your Purpose through Astrology and Tarot with Mary Jo Cranmore

Jennifer Pilates Season 17 Episode 178

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Dive into a transformational journey on this episode of Empowered Within! 
Host Jennifer Pilates welcomes the extraordinary Mary Jo Cranmore, an intuitive astrologer, tarot reader, and numerology enthusiast with over 25 years of experience. Together, they explore the depths of life purpose, spiritual paths, and how astrology, tarot, and numerology are intertwined tools for unlocking personal transformation.

Mary Jo shares her awe-inspiring story of stepping into her calling, overcoming life's pivots, and how she helps others embrace their missions. Tune in to hear profound insights into the archetypes that shape our lives, the power of the North Node, and why relationships are the ultimate spiritual classroom.

Whether you're a spiritual novice or seasoned seeker, this episode is packed with wisdom, humor, and actionable advice to light your path forward.

🎙️ Hit play and prepare for a cosmic deep dive into your soul's purpose!

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Welcome to Empowered Within, a soul quenching, transformational podcast that will set your soul on fire through candid and inspiring conversations. Leading experts, celebrities, healers, and I share our journeys of how we've overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. I'm your host, Jennifer Pilates. Welcome to another episode of Empowered Within. Hi there, and welcome to the show. I am over the moon excited to announce our guest, Mary Jo Cranmore. Oh my goodness, pull up a chair, grab a drink, you're gonna need it. Mary Jo is an incredible intuitive astrologer and spiritual path healer who works To help people understand their mission in this life and bring their futures into sharp focus as a terror reader, numerology, enthusiasts, and intuitive astrologer for over 25 years, Mary Jo has integrated all of these tools and disciplines together into a method of understanding deep rooted patterns and the truth that light each seeker's path forward to transformation. She is passionate about connecting the dots that astrology lays before us and using that information to create. True lasting happiness. Welcome to the show. Hey, how are you? I'm so fabulous. Now that we're together, it's been a bit of a road. Hasn't it's been, we've had a road, we've had numerous pivots. We've had crazy things going on, but this is so cool. I'm so excited because there's so much. For us to talk about, and I really want to hear how your journey started. That always fascinates me, how people found their way onto this incredible spiritual path. Well, it has been, I was actually thinking just about that this morning because, there has been, a few major directional corrections by spirit to me and, over the course of my life. There have been the most recent one has was when I started the channel. And so I've been, you know, doing astrology and tarot and numerology since I was in college way back in the 80s. And like, I really love all of it. Everything about it. I have hundreds and hundreds of books about it and everything like that. And I had been in TV news in the media for a long time. Marketing, strategy. I had my own video marketing agency, and helping other people tell their story on video. And, that just ground to a halt for me one day. It wasn't that sudden, but it was like over the course of, a few years. I was just like, I don't know if I can get up and do this. again today. And I was like, I wish I just had my own thing. I'm always helping other people tell their stories and helping other people, you know, be on video and get on YouTube and get on, online so that they can reach a broader audience. And, you know, I was just like, I just want my own thing. Why can't I just have my own thing? And so, one day this, the video marketing business, just, I just could not make one more phone call. I could not do one more thing. And it was pretty terrifying because that was the way I was earning my living. I'm single. And so I have been, responsible for myself for a really long time for just me responsible for only me. And sometimes that got me into a little bit of trouble because I was like taking, these risks that were pulling me far off my path. And so that happened, this day happened where I really couldn't do anything. I could not make one more move. And my, family member of mine at the time was going through an illness and was very, I don't know, we were sort of having this nice time of it together. And they said, well, why don't you, you know, I, know a little bit about, business loans and stuff like that. Why don't you bring this information to me? I'll see if I can help you. And as a male, male family member and, he absolutely blew up at me. And was like, how irresponsible of you and all of this kind of stuff, you know, like, can only do anger. Terrified is anger. Happy is anger. Everything is anger. Right. And I was like, oh, my God. So this person blasted me. For how irresponsible instead of helping me, they blasted me and I was so shocked by that and stunned by that. And I'm like, I don't know why you're shocked and stunned. This has happened to several times within this constellation of people that, you know, and people that are, saying they want to help you. And then they actually don't help you. And I'm like, Oh my God. So I went to another person, who was an attorney, she's a woman and. I was like really thinking I was going to be filing for bankruptcy. I really thought that. And I was at the time, I was terrified of it. It was my biggest fear in my life. I'm terrified of that. What if I become homeless? What if I, what happens? And, so finally I got to the point where I'm like, you know what, I don't have any answers here. And I kind of just in that moment, I went to her office and I remember very clearly it was so surreal. There was something about that day that I had just kind of let go of all of my resistance to, I've got to keep going with this. This is the only thing I know. This is what my college degree is in. This is the only thing I know. And, she listened to the story. She didn't blow up at me. She took it all away from me. And she said, okay. I want you just to, you know, you've got enough money here for the rest of the year. You've got one more project to do. Do it because it's money that you'll need and come back after Thanksgiving. I think this was in July that this happened and come back after Thanksgiving. We'll file the papers and we'll write the papers. We'll file them after the 1st of the year. And I just felt like at that moment, so supported and nurtured by her, even though she wasn't really there, there, it'll be okay. She wasn't doing that. She was just very much like, okay, very matter of fact. Kind of understood, took it all and said, this is what you do. And so she's I want you just to go home and I want you to do something fun. I want you to find joy in things. I want you to just know we have a plan in place. You don't have to be thinking about this all the time. Just let go and do things that you love. I want you to get your joy back. And I was like, Oh God, that just sounds like such a meme on, you know, like it just, but the other part of me was like, no, listen to what that is. And so I came home and I was like, huh. What do I do? And like literally hundreds of books, all of my bookshelves are like astrology, tarot, la. And I'm like, Oh, well, this is something I love to do in my spare time. This is something I've done for hundreds of people, whether I get paid or not for it was sort of like the moment in time when this was sort of coalescing as my livelihood. And I was like, I'm going to give this a shot. So I looked around YouTube and, I noticed that it was kind of a big deal. There was a New York times article about what a big deal Tara was on YouTube. I'm like, I don't even know how that works. And so I started just playing with it. I started just, I'm like, okay, I'm going to do like a Gemini reading. I'm a Gemini moon. I'm just going to see what comes out. And I, you know, have a friend who's Gemini moon. And so I showed her the reading. She's like, you need to do this. And so I started just posting videos on YouTube in October of twenty six, seventeen, twenty seventeen. And by the time Thanksgiving happened, I could see how it was growing. It really took off very suddenly at that time. I think a lot of other tarot and astrology people got on YouTube at that time as well. So there was some kind of collective thing that I was feeding into or plugged into. And the channel just kind of took off. And so I went back to the that attorney. I was like, I don't think we're gonna have to do this. And that day, that moment that she said that to me, I walked back out into the sun, into the hot July air. And there was something so unique about that moment. I felt like not only lighter and brighter, but I felt like the air was cleaner. I, it was a peak moment. It was, you know, a spiritual moment. It lasted for a few days. that everything was sharper. I tasted things differently. Everything about it. I started within a couple of months, I had a heart chakra awakening. I had a lot of these things happening. A lot of times when you're first on your spiritual path, you get a ton of synchronicities and downloads and everything. And I was like, Oh my God, what's going on? So every single day I've kept a journal since I was in seventh grade. And so I have hundreds of these and I filled up probably two of these. that fall and I just kept going. I was like, okay, is this a fluke? Is this, what is this? And I just realized that this is my thing. This is who I am. After I started, teaching more, teaching tarot, teaching astrology, after I started doing more charts, I was sort of seeing, where my path was and it was fascinating. And I just want to make sure other people find it too. I love your story. That is so great. And it's so realistic for anyone that's out there who is looking and who's like, well, I have all these things on my bookshelf. My life is. Look at your bookshelf. It worked for Mary Jo. Gosh, that is so fabulous. And you work with so many different modalities. I shouldn't say so many, but a handful of modalities, which is really great. I love that well roundedness to it. How do you work and integrate astrology and tarot? I'm fascinated by this. So Tara, I started, I was always an astrology enthusiast. I've always been, I mean, I'm a Sagittarius for God's sake. So we're a lot of Sagittarians are, I noticed that a lot of the readers on YouTube are Sages, which I didn't know anything about that before. I didn't know Sag was like somehow plugged into this. and it might've just been that clump of people, but who knows? But when I, started noticing, there's a really good book. That Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker wrote. I don't know those people at all. It's from the 1970s. It's called the Divine Triangle, Numerology and the Divine Triangle. And I picked up that book. I've had like five or six. Versions of it because I just keep like tearing it apart. It's just so amazing. And it braids together astrology and tarot and numerology and shows you that the three of pentacles, right? The three number has resonance with it. The three in numerology, of course, it's the same thing. And the tarot is built on a structure. It's a system of archetypal, experiences, minor arcana, major arcana. And I just kept seeing how those energies were interconnected. With astrology and it's not like my invention. It's definitely purposeful that, the tarot has astro astrological, energetic expressions in it. The stars, the Aquarius card chariot is a cancer card and those archetypes that are expressed in those cards are aligned with cancer, Gemini, Capricorn and all of that. So I started just seeing this. It's kind of a little bit like. It just started pulling together for me. So when I'm doing a reading, I'm channeling. That's what I'm doing. And so that's the language. Astrology is a language. Tarot is a language. Numerology is a language. And they all intersect. And so once I started seeing that for myself, I started weaving that into the readings. The tarot readings are the thing that you see on YouTube, but I've also done a lot of astrology readings for people and for couples and things like that, which I'm not doing right now, but I am doing groups around that so people can learn for themselves. I, like you, I love all, like I'm obsessed with all three, like just so obsessed, but I've got to say, I never. I thought it didn't click until just now when you talked about the astrology cards for each zodiac sign. Mm hmm. I wouldn't, okay, so I gotta know, so as a Taurus, what would my card be? I've never even thought about this. Well, so Taurus, so Taurus is the Hierophant. Taurus is the Hierophant and, Taurus energy is all about what we find beautiful and sensual and what makes us feel safe. Taurus is also ruled by Venus. So that energy is very much, and this is, another card that connects to Taurus, which is the Empress. This is Venus. So Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Okay. So whenever I see those cards or I see there is the chariot card, the cancer card, you know, whenever I see something like the hermit as the Virgo card, archetypal energies, archetypes are something we all experience. It's a shorthand way of us saying something to another person. So if I say to you, Oh, she's such a diva, you know, exactly what I'm talking about. Right. You know the archetype of that energy. Oh, he's such a controller. He's such a right. These are things. There's a woman named Carolyn Mace, M Y S S who's written a handful of books, probably more than I've ever even recognized. She's written a ton in her life, and she's written a book called Sacred Contracts. And it talks about the archetypal experiences that we have on this planet. It's just more proof to me of how we are all interconnected. Because you as a Taurus and thousands of other Taurians out there can watch a Taurus reading and be like, holy cow, that's my story, right? YouTube has proven that to me that we are interconnected that there are Shakespeare said there's only 7 stories on the planet. And we just have our own versions of them. It has shown me doing tarot on YouTube. It's stunning to me that I will do a reading. I'll be like, okay, I'm plugged into this. I see the reading. I see the energy, the story and the comments. Like that happened to me two weeks ago. Oh, my God. Or that's not happening yet, but I can feel it coming or something like that is so amazing because we're talking in the language of archetypes and we all as human beings have archetypes as our own identity. We also experience things archetypally. So that's, that's something that I just love about the tarot, and that's how that has all tied into, the astrology, because astrology is also archetypal energy. Right. Something I just never I thought of it that way. I love the shift in the perspective and it just, again, it already has so much weight to it. The numerology, the astrology, the tarot cards, but by talking about it and with such, it just gives us so much more weight. One more. I agree. It's more depth. It gives it a little more like 360 degrees kind of because All my job is as a storyteller as someone who's channeling information. My job is to try to be relatable. Have the story be relatable. So if I'm seeing that there's a lot of, trouble here, and I'm and up comes a story from, a TV show or something like that, people can plug into it, even if it's not happening for them right now. they can kind of plug into that like, oh wow, that's been a pattern in my life, or oh yeah, that's something I'm really drawn to, or something I'm repelled by, or whatever. Whatever my job as a reader, and as an astrologer, and as a numerology enthusiast, I would say numerology is probably the third kind of, interest of mine. My job is, It's really not about me being a channeler. It's about you and your intuition and you watching readings. Just go zoom around YouTube and pick one at random, especially if you're like, I'm a Taurus. And so I only watch Taurus readings, but you know, you're like a cancer moon or you've got a Capricorn ascendant or something like that. Go zoom around. And just because the title might call to you, Pick one of your moon rising or Venus readings and just see what happens. Oh yeah. Yours have been wild when I have, you know, and I, I catch it over on Instagram. Then I'm headed to the, to YouTube and I'm like, screw this. I'm buying the whole damn thing. I gotta, I have to listen to the whole thing now. I'm in, she's got me like, I need to know what happens next. And it is, it's mesmerizing how. the story, the journey that you bring it through, and you bring generally one or two roads that somebody could be going down depending on how, and it's brilliant and it's generally spot on, I would say, for the ones that I've caught for Taurus, for sure. Oh, thank you. I mean, I used to not understand that whole idea. I remember watching Tarot for a while in that summer and being like, I'm not sure how it means to flip this around or opposite energies or whatever. But when people tell me the story, they're like, no, that's me dealing with a Taurus or no, that's me as a Taurus. But I'm like watching I'm watching this story unfold doesn't have much to do with me, but it is a learning tool for me. There's so many layers that people bring to it that I didn't even conceive of. It was, my intention is to bring through information that is meaningful and relevant for people and however they take it is up to them. And I just think you do such an excellent job at it, because again, it's very much like each tool. It's very straightforward. It is what it is, grab what resonates and what doesn't just, keep moving. Indeed, because there are things that you've already moved through in your life. That aren't relevant to you, but oh, I wouldn't get stuck that way with that person. But this other thing, you know, and that makes sense to me. And, it's interesting that, a lot of the readings do have relationship elements to them. And I used to be like, God, am I just like the love person? Queen, like, why is this, why is it always about that? And I actively, tape, make intentions about this needs to be about someone's work. And that, no, because relationships are the lab that we learn from. And, you know, we all go into our hermit modes and work on ourselves and do all that. And then come back out into the world with our shiny new tools and okay, I'm ready for this relationship now. I'm ready to be in this again. And, you know, I am. I have, worked on my own, shadow. I've worked on my own habits or whatever. And then we learn new stuff, right? So, and relationships are everybody. There's really, no man is an island. Right. It's so true. And you say something, you talk about the spiritual journey is what's my life purpose. Yes. I really believe that. Yes. Do you have a Yeah. And I would love for you to elaborate on that because there's so many people that don't See the connection, you know, they don't get it. They don't realize it's just like anything else It's the journey not the destination. And so I would love for you to elaborate on that and this really came up came to me It's one of the things that I love most about Astrology for me that it really did help me understand that my spiritual journey Is my purpose? And we are, as far as my own learning and my own, journey is taking me, what I'm getting is that, we are really here to experience this. And part of that is a life purpose that has spiritual resonance. A lot of people, equate that with a job because that's kind of our mindset in the Western world that our life purpose, well, it has to be a career and I have to be Mick Jagger. I have to be famous or, you know, that kind of thing. And that may or may not be true, but what for each person, but you do have dynamic impact. Let's just talk about impact instead of it being a job or not a job or whatever. There's plenty of people on my channel who are incredible accountants, amazing plumbers and, you know, really interesting, childcare or mothers or something like that. All of those things are a job, of course, but as a calling or as a life purpose, I've been always obsessed with. The life purpose. And so that did lead me. This is a practical piece of information for those of you guys listening, but, it leads me to in your astrology chart, something called the North node, which is your purpose and mission for being on this planet. And it may be that you're here to be part of a certain family and be the scapegoat of a family. Because that is the thing that is going to teach those other people in that family something, or you're going to help other people who are scapegoats, or something like that. My North Node is in the eighth house of spirituality, soulmates, secrets, but it's also death and taxes and, things that go on behind the scenes that nobody likes to talk about, nobody's afraid to talk about. Tarot and astrology are also in the eighth house, and the sign it's in is Gemini, communication. So my role is to be a storyteller around hidden knowledge, hidden information, and it's directly connected to the midheaven, which is Leo, which is about being seen, doing it, which is why when I teach my business class, I teach about video. I want you to be seen because there's something inherently in this time period in history. There's something about people. feeling not seen. And I don't necessarily just mean your face, but being seen doing your spiritual path. Do your, if you're here to be a light in whatever profession you have, it doesn't really matter. You're here to be a light, and Maybe you're here to do spiritual work. Maybe you're here to be a shaman or a mystic or a healer of some kind. You can also be a healer of people's hearts. Princess Diana, right? The, right? And do you think she would have been like, you know, my job is to be a princess? No, that's not her job. Her job was to be the princess of people's hearts, the queen of people's hearts. So you could see that if you look at your North node in your birth chart, you can see the direction. And there really are two kinds of people on this planet, the kind of people who look at that direction and go, Oh yeah, I'm already doing that. And someone who looks at it and goes, Not doing it. Oh my god, now I'm obsessed. Do you have me? Because I'm in such host mode and I'm in my head trying to go, what was my North note again? Why didn't I write it down ahead of time? Hold on. I may have it here, but I'm okay. Go get it. Go get it. It'll be a good example. I can use you as an example. No, I'm like, I've got my moon. I've got the ascendant. I've got the, I just did so much stuff about a few weeks ago. I've got my team. Why don't I have my North note written down? North node is a mathematical point, and it is, don't worry, we'll, we'll get it, we'll get it. I gotta pull it up, like I'm obsessed now. Pull it up, because, How do I, okay, so, North node is an, is a mathematical point, it's a, it's, I don't want to bore you, but it's like a, it's like a point at the ellipsis around the moon, okay, it's not, not relevant, you can just get your chart, Use a profile, yep, I'm like, I'm gonna do it as quickly as I can. South Node is past life, but it's also what people hold on to because it's the comfort zone. North Node is something outside of your comfort zone. Okay. People who tend to have a lot of air and fire may be less, inhibited as it relates to going toward your North Node, but that's not always true. And so the North Node really gives you a chance to expand in this life. And it brings in the energy of spiritual mission and purpose to whatever you're doing in terms of a job as well. I may or may not be doing this right if everybody knows. So you may or may not see that I'm attempting to share my screen. Okay. I don't think I'm seeing it right now, but that's okay. You just tell me what it is and I'll figure it out. Okay, so I'm looking, okay, North Node. Where am I finding? It looks like a little set of headphones for those of you guys listening. And, usually what will come up is there's something called North Node. Oh, wait. I didn't hit share. Okay, now you should see it. Oh, Jennifer's so much today. I'll make it bigger. Okay. There we got it. All right. So you see here, you see something called the true node in the chart up here, there's something called the true node. And not, not the circle. Look over here with the list of Sun, moon, mercury, Venus, Mars. Look down. See it says true node. There it is. Mm-Hmm. Capricorn. Eight degrees Capricorn. Okay, so eight degrees Capricorn. Let me see. Is that, oh, that's it right here. Right there it is. North node. so North node in the first house. Yeah. And what's this right here? And it's in Capricorn. Oh, that's right. In Capricorn. Okay. For that's eight degrees. It's eight degrees. That's what it is. So that's where your North node is. That means your South node, because there's always pair they're paired up with, cancer is your South node. And that is at eight degrees in your seventh house, eight degrees of cancer in your seventh house. How do you know that? So because it's always 180 degrees opposite. Okay. So it may not because houses in Western astrology can expand or contract based on, the, longitude and latitude, but every sign is only 30 degrees. Okay. So that's why when you, this, your chart is built so it's, it doesn't freak me out. Doesn't give me giant houses and small houses based on the latitude or longitude of your birth place. Got it. But your chart is very balanced. Very balanced. I'm glad you think so. And you've got stuff in almost every house, which isn't, which doesn't normally happen. Like I've not seen a chart like that in quite some time. Very balanced energy. Okay. Thanks. But with a North node in the first house, that means in this life, your job is about asserting discipline, Capricorn, asserting yourself, your independent self, discipline, South node is in cancer in the seventh house. So you could, your ascendant though is Sag and Gemini, which I'll get to in a second, but your South node is in cancer. In that seventh house. So that means that in a past life and in this life, you may have a tendency to get lost in relationships or be very the nurturing person in relationships. Um, no bueno in this life, your job is to assert your independence and drive in that first house. So you can't, so it's not your job to be a team player. Okay. Not your job. Your job is to be in leadership. So if you ever are in in a, especially a love relationship or a business relationship, even, you could have a fallback position of fading into the woodwork, which is no bueno for you. Right. Right. Totally. Totally. No bueno. Right. So Capricorn, Capricorn's ruled by Saturn. So this is a lifetime of discipline. And it is a, you learning to stand up for yourself, learning to speak up for yourself and like walking your talk Capricorn is about I'm doing what's right. And I don't know you get to decide that I think like what's right. For you and only you, like if a relationship tries to, if a person in a relationship with you tries to tell you what's right for you, it's time to assert that north node more and say, you know, I'm really because you're really accomplished at relationships. So I'm. I'm hearing you, but this feels right for me. This is what I need to do. So, you know, Capricorn is not that much, about compromising. No, not that much. And, but that's what you're learning. You're learning to stick up for yourself. A hundred percent. And I would say now in my second half of my life. Totally, because the first half of my life, I don't feel that I attempted it, but I didn't, it didn't happen. No, no, no. We're there. No. So anytime. So for me, like if I'm, if I'm doing a tarot reading for you, then I'm looking, I look at this and I'm like, okay, well she's a Sagittarius rising. So other people see you as very outgoing and optimistic and you know, just this kind of adventurous spirit. They get to know you though that Capricorn mostly is in that first house is mostly in Capricorn. So there can be this real sense of like, it has to have it has to be grounded in something as you get mature more mature as you grow, get older get more mature, you know you're less interested in just pure adventure for adventure sake like there has to be something there. And your ideal partner is the Gemini. So, the descendant, yeah. What for the people that can't see me? Like my jaw just hit the floor. Are you flipping kidding me now? I'm not kidding you because Gemini rules, your seventh house, and that is a dualistic sign, just as cancer is a dualistic sign. So there's a lot of me and you balancing that's necessary in this life. And this person better had better be a good communicator. Do you know how many times I've avoided Gemini's after one? Significant Gemini in my life because I was like, I can't handle the, this, the, that, that you can't get your shit together. Yep. Wow. So every single we're living in a, in a polarity kind of existence, we're living in this dualistic. So every sign has its. It's positives and it's negatives. And the negatives of Gemini are two faced or flaky or you can't get your shit together. Positives of Gemini is organization. Really good. My, Colleen who works with me on the channel is a Gemini. I'm a Sag. So we are very compatible. I'm the one that has, the bigger picture vision and Colleen knows how to get it done. So it's really a very rare. I think very cool. Very cool to have that. And, you know, this is also a good tip just in your life or in anybody's life. If you feel you've got a ton of one kind of energy, like people sometimes come on the channel. I just finished my twin flame astrology group talking to them. And there was a ton today about Venus and Pisces and their opposite signs. Getting used to seeing every time you see Sagittarius. You know, Gemini is opposite it. So if you've got too much up in the air, too optimistic, not really seeing people clearly add some Gemini. Ask some freaking questions. Okay. So any time shift to hadn't thought about it that way. Yes. I'm still stuck on. You think I should be romantically hooked up with a Gemini? Like, I feel like I need wine right now, my whole life, excluding one. One. Like, that's one. I have always been like, never, never, never again. Never again. Well, people are more than just their sun sign. For sure. But, but, what I will say to you is, because you're ascendant, I'm going to look at this again, if I can see it. Isn't it sad? Rising sign. Is Sagittarius, but it's very late in Sagittarius. So it's not listed. Damn. It looks like I have it. It looks like 28 or 29 degrees. Is that right? Oh, wait. Of Sag. Very late in Sag. Yeah. Ascendant 26 degrees. Sag. I see it. I see it now. So that means your descendant is 26 degrees Gemini. And, that's a very mature, right? Later degrees. I mean, you have a lot of. If you believe in past lives, you have a lot of experience because that Ascendant is the moment in which you came in onto this planet. That's the picture of the sky. The moment you came onto this planet, the 12th house, which Sagittarius. is ruling, points to past life. 12th house is definitely pointing to past life. And the sign before your ascendant, which is Scorpio, indicates a past life that is very relevant to this life. Ooh, the plot thickens. Okay, so when you look at your chart, look at your rising sign, that will say to you, Okay, this is the moment in time I came on this planet. 26 degrees Sag is, quite a mature Sagittarian. it's the third deacon of Sag. And, That is very, that Saj, Saj, kind of Saj double energy. It's very strong. It's very good, strong, Sagittarius energy. And it's something you bring with you into this planet. I'm going to shift for one second to bring back in that South Node, North Node thing because South Node is also past life. So Sagittarius, Scorpio, and then your South Node in Cancer is showing you these are the things I've mastered. I've mastered this nurturing kind of relationships ability. I've mastered this kind of adventuring, you know, with Sagittarius. I'm kind of late in that degree. So I have some skills. I got some skills. And then Scorpio as a past life that is relevant to this life. Scorpio is a water sign. It's very, deeply mistrustful of people who don't sort of, who aren't willing to go deep for themselves, who aren't willing to do the work of things, aren't willing. And especially in that 11th house, that's definitely Scorpio's ruling your 11th house. So your friend circles, your tribe needs to be people who are willing to work on their own shit. Otherwise I don't want, yeah. You're out. No surface. No surface level. You're out. No, no. Even though Saj is very optimistic and can be surfacy, but Saj just says like, I only trust people who really know themselves enough to be adventurous because a lot of people don't. And you're probably a Taurus in this lifetime because now you're anchoring that in something tangible for yourself. It makes so much sense because there are people, recently even, people around me who would be like, Hey, you know, A, B, and C is going on, should really look at the bigger picture as far as this or that. And they'd be like, honestly, I'm just going to stick my head in the sand and just pretend like none of the things happening. And I was like, what? Do you know what the universe did within two weeks after that conversation? Transcribed Friendship gone. It was like the person disappeared, disappeared. Yeah. I mean, disappeared in a flame, but I was shocked and then it all of a sudden shifted in a friendship that, had been tabled for a while and it's like, it's so wonderful to have back and to be better and, and all of that kind of gushiness. But no, you're a hundred percent right. The all of this is very accurate. I'm still stuck on the Gemini, but, um, well, it is because it is opposite energy from your rising sign. And you are a very mature Sagittarian energy that the opposite signs. it's an opposition for a reason, because sense of like, I'm either this or that I'm either this or that but over the course of your life you mature into this place of, oh, I can see there's parts of me that have. I could improve on in my own life if I had more Gemini. Geminis could be coming into your life because they're trying to show you, you know, whatever that is. Signs next to each other. So your first house is ruled by Sag. Late degree Saj. and then Saj is next to Capricorn. Right? So this is always going in order. It's going Aries, Taurus, Gemini. It always goes in order. No matter what you start at and you're starting at 26 degrees Saj. That's the line in the sand. The signs that are next to each other kind of hate each other a little bit. Like Saj looks at Capricorn and says, you're boring. Mm hmm. Boring me. And Catherine points at Saj and says, you're flighty. Right. Totally. But over the course of. your life, it's likely that at some point you look at Capricorn and go, damn, you know how to get things done. And Capricorn looks at Sag and says, geez, I wish I had your vision. And there's just something, and the same thing, like you can go all the way around in your own chart. And so when people come into your life that are either opposite signs or signs right next to you, there's a little bit of a grudging respect. eventually that can grow depending on the rest of the chart. I mean, it's hard to isolate just one thing. I've noticed that in my own life that, you know, Oh my God, cause I'm a Sag and I just think those Capricorns are so boring, but now I'm like, damn, I have my Mars and Capricorn. I love you guys. I'm learning so much, learning so much about how to assert myself in my life. I think that's, again, it's a, A really cool and different perspective to look at your chart that way. Right? Yeah. There's, that's not. A typical way to say, let's look at our chart this way. I wouldn't have never thought, but at the same time, given what you're saying, in my experience, honest to God, everyone, one Gemini in my entire life. I would like to hear this story, because it's They really, they had an impression on you. A huge impression on me. They know who they are. and I would say this. It was either incredibly amazing, or it was so flipping frustrating. But isn't that the spice of life that you need? I could fly up here, and then this person could pull me down. When it was good, it was very, very good. It was good. And when it wasn't, it was horrible. I have one of those Gemini's too, by the way, not Colleen, Colleen has a lot other stuff that connects us together, but I have a, have a Gemini I dated once that really threw me for a loop and I'm, you know, yeah, understood. This is one of the ones where it's many, many, I mean, we're talking. over 30 some years. Yeah. Long time ago. And we'll know in and out for 30 some years. Oh wow. And now just out. But it was one of those, like if it could have gone the way it sure would have been like a really cool love story to share. Because of the ups and downs and the craziness. That's funny that you're saying that because, I have a similar experience of like 35 years And, cancer plays a heavy role in that, not in my energy, but in that person's energy. So like your, my cancer, I'm your Gemini. I love it. I love it. I love it. Yeah. I've been looking for the wrong people my whole life. I'm so sorry for everyone else that I've ever dated. Sorry. It was never going to work. That's funny. Oh my God, that's funny. Oh my gosh, that is so funny. Oh my gosh, so interesting. I'm gonna try to, I don't know, un share now. Un share. I don't, I'm not, I'm so like, oh wait, stop share. There we go. There you go. I, I stopped that. Okay. Everyone knows this isn't, that part isn't always, Actually, it's, yeah. I'm so not hip. Like, I'm not as hip as you. Like, I couldn't even do like, Oh my God, Colleen will laugh. I'm not as hip as you with your videos on YouTube, and I'm still trying to learn. Like, I'm just trying to figure it all out. Well, I gotta tell you, like, I am one of the few people I know that have used every single bit of my college degree. And it was, like I said, it was a whole long time ago. Yeah. You know, but there's something about video that just makes sense to me. And it's always been my storytelling medium of choice, whether I was working for NBC news or I was doing it for clients or whatever, like it just made sense to me because there was something about seeing someone's eyes that I really wanted to hear people's stories or something like that. And video was the medium, I read tons of books. It's not that I don't read, of course I do read, but, video, is there's some kind of energetic medium to it that makes it more sense to me. I would agree with you. There's so much energy to be had. I was just petrified. I was petrified of this whole, I never even knew what podcasting was when I, it was channeled to me that this was what I was going to be doing. I'd never listened to one. So, yeah, none. So, and three years later, I mean, we're doing quite well, which is wonderful. Yeah. And I'm just starting to, to dive into the YouTube spectrum. Yep. Because I'm so over everything else. I have a significant love hate relationship that is no secret with social media. I need a, I need a social media person that just does it all so I don't have to do anything. I get it. I get it. I mean, I love YouTube because, it's a video search engine. And again, I go back to my own video days of film. I used to do film and everything like that. And because YouTube is more of a search engine than it is a social media platform, it makes more sense to me because this is how people can find you. The others are really not good at search. I, they, they push content based on an algorithm to you, which YouTube does too. But YouTube, because it's a search engine, you're more in control of your own experience. I'm liking that and they even have that little community aspect. So I've been posting on there. I've I'm really enjoying it a lot more and I haven't done anything live. I have, again, I'm not as hip as you are, but I'm trying everybody. I want you to know I'm trying. Well, I gotta tell you, like, it's not, I mean, Colleen, my, uh, my friend Colleen, who works on the channel with me, She would laugh to hear you say that I'm hip because she'd be like, I'm sorry, Colleen knows how to do everything. And, I know how to make video and I started the YouTube channel. we met because we work together and she's, you know, I came up here for her wedding. And so we've been friends for a long time. And, you know, we just knew we worked well together and everything, but. She has her, capabilities and I have mine. And if you're, I teach a business class too, because one of the things I've learned and having a bunch of different businesses is that you need people who can do what you can't do. Right. And you know, any kind of, I, I, this, I made the mistake a couple of times of trying to start a business with someone who did what I did. And it never made sense because then we had big giant holes and capabilities. And then it was just like, well, why are you doing that? I want to do that. And then there was all this like infighting going on. But as far as I know, Colleen hates everything about what I do and I hate everything about what she does. That's perfect. I need a Colleen. Yes, yes, yes. So anyway. Love it. Yeah, it's been a big part of the success of the channel. I just, you know, I, I always want to shout out to her because she's a really big part of what allows me to do what I'm doing and posting as much as I'm posting. And I think that's so great. And I've always, consulted on the side with businesses. It's been, I'm a, like a serial entrepreneur. So I keep saying I'm not going to do my own, like another new business. And then I do, but I love you. Right. And then I, but I love helping other people. I love helping the branding and behind it. It's so much easier for me. And I always find that, you know, do what you're good at. If you're a great holistic practitioner, whatever median you're using, do that and let someone else do the rest and your life will be so much easier. And I should just say that to myself in the mirror. yeah. But it's so true. It's very true. I mean, the what I've noticed to in, in, doing my own, I am a serial entrepreneur as well. And what I've noticed with other people as they're starting is that, you know, to get used to the idea that you can't do some of this. yourself. You, you know, it doesn't mean you're not an accomplished person if you can't do everything. It's like, let go of the need to be the perfectionist thing about like, you know, if I'm an entrepreneur, that means I'm doing everything myself. And it really doesn't mean that it means that your, your job is to, shine the light on the, with the things that you are here to do and allow other people to get to figure out. You know, the Google machine and allow other people to figure out, your memberships and we have memberships and we have extended readings and we have all these different revenue streams like that's something that the both of us have built over time. But now we know how this business works. We know how that, and that's part of my mission on this planet is to have shared resources, to create resources so that other people get paid for doing the work that will help me. Right. So that's part of the mission too. That's huge. Speaking of which, cause I do want to talk a little bit more about your business, the memberships and all that, but I'm very curious because I couldn't find this anywhere, but I could have maybe missed it, readings with you. Do you offer readings anymore? I haven't in a long time. I didn't think you did. Okay. Oh, wait. We've got a bot. Bot. one of the ways you learn, one of the ways you, it's sort of like doing general readings is wonderful and it is the core and I will never stop doing that. One of the ways you learn, especially as an astrologer, is to read people's charts and start seeing patterns. When you start, you know, you take in clients. It's not just it's not just about. Oh, well, this is another revenue stream. We could do. It's more about. Okay. I, I really think I need to start learning more around, you know. this particular thing. I learned a ton around North Node. It has underpinned a lot of my work. And so now I'm kind of ready to learn some new things. So in the fall, we might be opening up some private readings for astrology for me to read charts and stuff, synastry charts, composite charts, relationship charts, or individual charts. And that's something I'm starting to feel like, you know, it's really important for me to start learning some new things. So that may be happening. I can't, I can't make a date or anything like that, but I haven't done private readings in quite a while. I didn't think so because boy, was I, I was hunting. I was deep in there. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I was in it. Oh my goodness. This is a joke. This has been so much fun. I want to ask you this question. Cause I just, I think it's so important. What has been, and maybe there's more than one, the most impactful piece of wisdom that you've learned over your years? I think I'm going to attribute this to Mel Robbins because I've seen her talk about this a few times and I really want to give her a shout out because I think she gets this better than most people. let them, let them, let people be who they are. Let people, if someone is going to walk away from you, let them go. You know, that, that piece of wisdom about just stop, stop trying. To manage everybody, I'm a recovering people pleaser. Just let people, if people are going to be a jerk to you, let them, it's about them. It's not really about you. And you know, the other one, that really has, impacted me is that things are not about me. Other people's actions are really about themselves. You pay attention to you. You take responsibility for what you do. You take responsibility, take accountability when you screw up and all of that kind of stuff. But other people do things, they don't think about you all the time. They're not really, if someone is that obsessed that they're actively thinking about you, that is also about them, right? And you know, people show you who they are. You should believe them. Don't let yourself get another five years deep in a relationship and be like, you know what? I, I heard that like in the first week we were dating, like, Oh my God. Right. People tell you who they are. And when the chart shows you what it is, believe it, believe them, believe them. And that's been a, especially with the Sagittarius rising and a Sagittarius sun. We want to believe everybody is like us. Everybody would do the thing that I would do for good or for bad. And. If someone is, confusing you, if you feel constantly confused around a person, that's a real thing. There's like gaslighting going on or there's something going on that isn't above board. You need to start believing yourself more. Okay. So people are telling you who they are. Absolutely. I can believe them. Yeah. Great pieces of advice. Okay. Okay. So for everyone that is going to join your memberships, take the courses. Follow you on social media. Where is the best place to go? This project, Soulful Revolution, is YouTube centric. So in every single video in the description box, you can find everywhere to find us the website, the social media, everything, everything I do builds around the YouTube channel. So if you want to find I have regular astrology group. I do a twin flame astrology group that I do. My core group is the pathfinder group that I meet with every Wednesday. We do a live Q and a session. And then this year in 2024 as we're recording this year is dedicated to helping people, Understand, align with and trust their own intuition. In the age of AI, things are becoming very confusing. Who knows what's real and what's not. And so you really need to be grounded in your sense of your own intuitive knowing. And so that In Pathfinders, I do an hour where we do a Q& A, any question you want to talk about, I'll pull cards, whatever. And then the last half hour, I do a lesson about intuition. Yesterday, we talked about synchronicities and how to use the energies of synchronicities. So, everything's in the, in the description box on the YouTube channel. Fabulous. And as always, all of the links will be over at jenniferpilates. com, so you can hop over there and click on everything and get connected with Mary Jo for everything. This has been so much fun. We had agreed we'll let the universe take us where it goes. We had no idea what was going to happen. We had no idea that like, this Gemini. I mean, I'm still there. Okay. I mean, I think that's your big, big red flag. I think, I think your job is to, is to dive a little bit deeper into that. Go back to that relationship and do a little bit of, of like excavating for yourself. Like, what was this about for me? What did I learn from this? Why am, why am I not wanting to go there again? What do I think will happen? What's the lesson for me? How can I, you know, everybody's a mirror of lessons for us. It was, it was a lot, I would say huge mirror, like call me out on a dime. Ah, God. Oh. See, my Gemini would run away, hide. Well, he would do that too. You just, that's why I say the twin, you just never knew who you were going to get. You never knew who you were going to get. Ah, it was exhausting. It totally was. I completely agree. Exhausting. But so it's a, it's a bunch of instances or circumstances or experiences that are rich, for your own learning. Oh, it's been very rich. No, not at all. No, I say that I say that with love and compassion. No, it was definitely, there was a, there was a lot of depth. Yeah, whether it was a high or low, it was all, there was always a lot of depth, a lot of, a lot of stuff there. Oh my gosh. This has been fabulous. Mary Jo. Thank you so much. Would love to have you back and help support your new programs, whatever you've got going on to share your beautiful energies. And I want to thank you again, as we close out the show today, is there one last piece of inspiration or advice that you'd like to leave with us? I think they're just connected to kind of like what we were just saying about everybody is a teacher for you. And if you kind of, I mean, I know I'm a Venus and Aquarius. So everything I think my emotions, I get it. But like every, every person, if you can just look at them, it's like, what are they teaching me? What is the lesson here? And especially if it's hard or heavy or you feel this is like a tough relationship, you will get through it and you will come through it with much more, enlightened And, feeling just like you've got something from it. You might also release that relationship sooner. If you're able to look at it. I mean, I have a relationship of 50 something years in my life that I'm just looking at now. I'm like, Oh my God, if I had learned this back in college, I wouldn't have had to deal with this person all this time. And it's so incredibly important to look at everybody as a teacher and take that, take that wisdom and apply it. Just see what happens. Humor me, just see what happens. Love it. I think it's great inspiration and advice for us all. Look at the lesson, look at the blessing and, take away whatever you can. Fabulous. Well, thank you again. Your insights, your energies. It was, oh my gosh. So worth the wait for both of us to be pivoted from here, there, and everywhere to get together. Thank you so much, Mary Jo. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Well, as we say, until next time, may you live an empowered life from within. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates. Your feedback is important. It helps me to connect with you and gives me insight into who you are and what you're enjoying about the show. For today's show notes and discount codes from today's sponsors, head over to jenniferpilates. com. Until next time, may you live an empowered life from within.

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