Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates

Empowered Beginnings: Astrology, Numerology, and Intuitive Insights for January 2025

• Jennifer Pilates • Season 16 • Episode 169

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Kick off 2025 with clarity, empowerment, and divine guidance! 🌟 In this special New Year episode, Jennifer shares transformative insights to help you align with the energy of January and the year ahead. Discover what the Universal 9 Year means for your spiritual journey and fresh starts.

Receive intuitive messages, a breakdown of astrological events, and personalized insights for every zodiac sign. Plus, connect with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel as they guide you into this powerful year of endings, healing, and transformation.

Tune in and start 2025 with intention, alignment, and empowering inspiration! ✨

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Welcome to empowered within a soul quenching transformational podcast that will set your soul on fire through candid and inspiring conversations. leading experts, celebrities, healers, and I share our journeys of how we've overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. I'm your host, Jennifer Pilates. Welcome to another episode of Empowered Within. Well, hello there, beautiful souls, and a happy 2025 new year to you. I'm Jennifer, and I am your guide today to uncovering the magic and empowerment within. I'm thrilled to begin this transformative journey into 2025 with you. Today, our episode is overflowing with insights about the year ahead, including astrology, numerology, what intuitive messages are coming through, what archangels are guiding us as we embark on this new chapter, plus we'll dive into what Each zodiac sign can expect this month. So sit back, relax, light a candle, grab your favorite journal, and let's step into 2025 with clarity, courage, and empowerment. Diving in to the numerology of 2025, we are looking at a universal nine year. Woo hoo. Woo nine symbolizes endings, completions, and preparing for a fresh new cycle. The energy of nine invites us to reflect on what no longer serves us, release old patterns, and embrace the opportunity to transform our lives. In a nine year, you may find yourself. Closing chapters that are holding you back, gaining clarity on your soul's purpose, discovering freedom by letting go of attachments. When we look at this, we want to remember this is a universal, collective number nine year. This isn't necessarily your personal number nine year. As a collective number nine year, this is a big year collectively for the entire world to be going through. To have major endings. Major completions, major new cycles starting. This is a door closing, a door opening, a government ending, a new government beginning. Weather changing, weather changing. I mean, you name it. This is a big deal this year. So again, we're talking about a lot of closing chapters that have been holding everyone back. Everyone has an opportunity to gain clarity. Truly on what's going on in our world and what has been going on. And everyone truly has the ability to discover freedom by letting go of old paradigms of which are no longer serving. This comes down to people, places, things, cultures. government, states, everything. So when we talk about this universal nine year, I'm talking about get ready, put on that seatbelt and be ready because it's going to be a year of years for the collective. This is a time where. When we're looking at numerology, it's super important to know where are you personally? Are you also in a nine year? What's going on with you? And that's something if you ever want to dive deeper into, I would love to dive deeper into looking at your personal year. What is your life path number? And what is your mission? And why you're here? I personally find that when you know this information about yourself, and why shouldn't you? You are so empowered with the life around you. Everything begins to make more sense. And I see this happening so much with my clients once they understand their life path number and what personal year they're in, everything begins to flow when you are in flow with who you are and why you're here. It begins this magical, empowering experience. So, I encourage you, if you want to take me up on that, happy to have a session with you and dive into that deeper. As we get back to the collective and we look at what is the collective mantra for 2025? Are you ready for it? The collective mantra for 2025 is I release with gratitude and embrace the limitless possibilities ahead. I'm going to say it again. I release with gratitude and embrace the limitless possibilities ahead. This is one you probably want to go back and write that down because as the world progresses into this number nine year, this is going to be an important mantra to come back to when all the noise around you is not making sense to bring you back to that grounded moment of who you are, why you're here. And be able to make it make sense by feeling the groundedness and the empowerment, the empoweredness within you. As we navigate the universal nine year, several archangels are stepping forward to offer their guidance and support. And can we say, hallelujah, Jesus, thank you. Amen. Please step forward. Please help guide us through this and each and every moment of every day. So who's stepping forward? The one and only Archangel Michael. The angel of protection and courage is here to help us cut ties with what no longer serves us. Call on Michael to help you release fear and step boldly into your purpose. I love Archangel Michael. I work with him every day. He's so amazing and so empowering in my life. He's been such a big part of my life every day. The second Archangel we have stepping up is Archangel Raphael. He is known as the healer. Raphael supports emotional and physical healing. This year, he encourages us to care for our wellbeing as we transition into a higher vibration. You've heard numerous people talking about this going on right now. We're in a spiritual world, as above so below. There's a lot going on. There's a lot of sickness going on out there. There's a lot of speculation as to why there is sickness going on out there. More importantly, let's work with Archangel Raphael to rectify and ask for the healing. Ask for Archangel Michael to bring in his sword and cut the cords to what doesn't belong to us, that isn't for our highest and best good, so that we can see clearly and move forward. Archangel Uriel, the angel of wisdom and illumination. Uriel is lighting the way toward clarity and understanding. Call on Uriel for insights and creative inspiration. Well, hallelujah. If this wasn't a time, a better time actually, where we all, right, everyone is looking for insights. No one understands what's going on in the world with our weather, with our food, with our water. This is the time to call on each and every one of these archangels to come in and to help us better understand, clear out what's not working and help us heal body, mind and spirit from within. in because every time you take a moment to heal, you take a moment to do better for yourself. You are the ripple effect to everyone and everything around you. The other Archangel coming in to help get us through this nine year is Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel empowers us to communicate clearly and express ourselves authentically. Gabriel empowers us to communicate clearly and express ourselves this is the perfect archangel to work with as we align with our true voice and purpose. These archangels are always available to guide you. You must, however, invite their presence into your life, whether that be through prayer, Or an intention, or maybe it's simply a shout out, like I do. I often am shouting out to God, the angels around me, to help guide me, to see clearly. That's my board of directors. That's my team. And you have that same team. The key is to asking for help. The key is understanding that by asking for help you are empowering yourself. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It is a sign of being empowered and knowing. Knowing how empowering that is to allow someone in to help you. Whether that's your archangel, whether that's your neighbor, whether that's your boss, whether that's your husband, your wife, whoever it is. Asking for help is a sign of empowerment. The key is, is that you have to ask. Archangels just can't show up and interfere in your life. So ask them for help because they're right there and they're waiting for you. The cosmos are bustling with transformative energy this month of January 25. We've got an incredible meteor show coming up the 3rd through the 4th, a celestial event that is inviting us to make wishes and focus on our dreams for this future, for this amazing new year. January 16th, we've got Mars at opposition. This is a surge of energy that encourages us to take action. Action towards our goals with boldness and clarity. January 13th, we've got a full moon in Gemini. This powerful moon highlights communication, relationships, and social interaction. It's urging us to express ourselves, again, it's urging us to express ourselves authentically. Uranus is retrograde in Taurus until January 30th, a period of reflection. This time is guiding us to reassess personal values and embrace needed change. We have a North Node transition on January 11th. The collective focus is going to shift to spirituality and compassion with the North Node moving into Pisces, encouraging healing and connection to the divine. So this is a handful of the insights of astrology that's going on in January. When we're diving in to the intuitive insights for the Collective for 2025, this month brings a powerful message from the Collective Guides. That message is Release to Receive. Trust that the endings are making space for new beginnings. I'll say it again. This month brings such a powerful, amazing Collective. Guided message for us all release to receive trust that the endings are making space for new beginnings. You see, this month invites us to reflect on what we've learned, honor the lessons of the past, and be willing to move forward in faith. It's a time to trust in divine timing and know that the universe is conspiring in your favor and in my favor. It's time to lean in, to have faith in the universe, to trust in the universe and to trust within you. As we dive into this amazing month of January let's take a look at What is in store for each Zodiac sign? Starting with Aries. It is time to ignite your passion. Mars at opposition fuels your energy. This is a month to take bold action on your goals and embrace your leadership qualities. Taurus. It's time to rediscover your values. Uranus retrograde encourages introspection, reflect on what stability means to you and embrace the changes needed to create the life you desire. Gemini. It's time to express your authentic self. The full moon in your sign enhances your communication skills. Share your truth and connect deeply with those around you. Cancer. It's time to nurture your inner world. This is a time for self care and emotional healing. Create space to honor your feelings and strengthen the bonds with loved ones. Leo. Shine bright, my friend, Leo, it is time to shine that bright light of yours within your community. Your creativity and leadership are highlighted. Engage with others and let your light inspire those around you. Virgo, plan with precision. The Capricorn energy aligns perfectly with your organized nature. Use this month to create plans that support your long term goals. Libra. It's time to harmonize and expand relationships. Take center stage and Venus Encour. Venus encourages you to deepen your connection and explore new opportunities for love and partnership. Scorpio, it is time to transform and evolve. This is a month of profound transformation. Embrace the changes unfolding within and trust your intuitive guidance. Sagittarius, an adventure awaits. Venus in your sign inspires joy, love, and adventure. Follow your heart and say yes to new experiences. Capricorn, this is your time to shine. Capricorn season amplifies your ambitions, set practical goals, and take steady steps towards achieving your dreams. Aquarius, unleash your vision. Your innovative spirit is in full bloom. Share your ideas and collaborate with others to create meaningful change. Pisces, embody your spiritual purpose with a north node entering your sign. Focus on spiritual growth and alignment. Trust that you are being divinely guided. As we embrace the magic of January 2025, here are three ways to align with the energy of this month. Number one, reflect and release. Take time to journal about what you're ready to let go of and what you're ready to welcome into your life. Number two, call on the archangels. Invite in their guidance and support through prayer, meditation, Or daily affirmations, or maybe a simple shout out will do. Three, seek clarity. Consider booking an intuitive reading or joining our upcoming Empowered Sacred Circle to gain deeper insights for the year ahead. Thank you so much for joining me as we step into this new chapter of growth, transformation, and empowerment. Remember, you are always supported by the universe, the archangels, and your inner wisdom every step of the way. As we say, until next time, may you live an empowered life from within. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates. Your feedback is important. It helps me to connect with you and gives me insight into who you are and what you're enjoying about the show. For today's show notes and discount codes from today's sponsors, head over to jenniferpilates. com. Until next time, may you live an empowered life from within.

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