Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates
Empowered Within is Your Soul Quenching Podcast that will Set Your Soul on Fire! Jennifer along with leading experts, celebrities, spiritual healers and culture changers share their real life journeys of how they have overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. They'll also share their top secrets to everything from happiness and spirituality, to health and wellness and so much more! Tune in today for the latest Empowered Within episode with your host, Jennifer Pilates. Empowered Within Host: Hi, I'm Jennifer! Empowering You to Be You! Welcome to my cozy world, our "ah-ha" place of growth, insights, healing, inspiration and empowering success!" Transforming Body, Mind & Spiritus Worldwide for 24+ Yrs" - Jennifer Pilates I'm a mutli-passionate entrepreneur, Spiritual Thought Leader, Holistic Health & Wellness Expert,
Renown Clairvoyant-Medium, Spiritual Advisor + Mentor, Reiki Master Healer, Top-Rated Podcast Host, Author, International Speaker & Beacon of Light (Really!)
I'm a detail-loving stubborn-as-heck achiever, unshakeable optimistic, self-care activity, fur-baby momma and ocean loving empath! "My goal is to help you discover your own truths, gain self-empowerment and in turn transform Body, Mind and Spirit."
Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates
Awakening the Light Within: A Journey to Energy Healing & Transformation with Manel Casanova
In this illuminating episode, I’m honored to welcome the incredible Manel Casanova—energy healer, retreat leader, and founder of Universal Healing. Manel shares his powerful journey of rediscovery, from seeking deeper meaning in life to embracing his role as a global energy healer.
We dive into: ✨ What “the light” truly is and how to find it within yourself.
✨ How remote group energy healing works and its profound benefits.
✨ The secrets to permanent health: healing blocks, aligning with your body, and loving yourself.
✨ Connecting with spiritual guides and the sacred wisdom they bring into your life.
If you’ve ever felt out of balance, disconnected, or simply curious about how energy healing can support your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being—this episode is for you!
Join us as Manel encourages us to “keep paying attention” to life and embrace the divine light that we already are.
🧘♀️ Ready to experience the power of group energy healing? Connect with Manel and his team at https://www.manelcasanovahealing.com/
✨ Learn more at jenniferpilates.com.
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Welcome to Empowered Within, a soul-quenching, transformational podcast that will set your soul on fire. Through candid and inspiring conversations, leading experts, celebrities, healers and I share our journeys of how we've overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. I'm your host, jennifer Pilates. Welcome to another episode of Empowered Within.
Speaker 2:Hi there and welcome to the show. I am honored to have with us today's guest, manel Casanova. Manel is a man of our times. He works as an energy healer and healing retreat leader. He is very passionate about providing a clear message of uniqueness we are unique beings living a unique experience. Manel has been working with clients and teaching energy healing for over 15 years. He is the founder of Universal Healing that aims to promote natural medicine into the mainstream perception of reality to the show.
Speaker 3:I'm so honored to have you here today thank you, jennifer, I'm very pleased to be here with you and, yeah, let's see what happens today here absolutely, we agreed.
Speaker 2:Where is the universe going to take us today? Let let's start with your journey where your spiritual journey began. That led you to finding out and understanding and wanting to provide energy healing around the world.
Speaker 3:Look, my journey started in a way. That is something that I'm seeing a lot these days People that are fed up with their life, that they are not, that their life doesn't have a strong meaning for them, that things they don't like, the many things they maybe don't like their job, maybe they don't like what is happening in the world and that creates this emptiness in them, that sense of my life doesn't have any meaning. So in a way, that is what happens to me at some point. I lived that way for many years and even though I love what I was doing I love my job, I love my family, I love my kids but that sense of I'm missing something, I'm missing something, at some point it really became unbearable for me and from that moment I kind of surrendered to OK, I don't know what that is, but I always been a little bit having a spiritual sense about things. You know, not so much religious but spiritual kind of, and feeling and perceiving things a little beyond this physical reality. So in that moment that that happens, synchronicities start happening in my life and after a while it was very clear that I was being guided.
Speaker 3:For me, it was very clear for me. Some other people I remember were telling me what you're doing? You're running away from your life. Well, I don't know if I was running away, but sometimes you have to make changes and in that moment I started making changes that took me to changing my job, my career, and having to travel to places that were maybe difficult but that opened me up, like India. And, yeah, I got it in the right direction. And in the right moment I started finding the right things and the right people that helped me to understand who I am and bring that into the world.
Speaker 2:That was the journey. That is quite the journey. And if someone said who is Manel, what would you say?
Speaker 3:Who is Manel? Well, in this moment I would say Manel is the light, but it's not that Manel is just the light, the light is just Manel. Everything is the light and every one of us is the light. I'm having a very beautiful relationship to say something, my persona, my human being, with the light these last times. So I really like to say that because I'm, I can trust that, I can see that I'm the same energy than everything else and with that, I can embrace and bring what my light is bringing into this world. Yeah, but okay, maybe I should also answer this in a more concrete way in this, and what I do is helping people to find this light that they are already. But you know, when we are afraid, when we don't understand, when we separate ourselves from ourselves, separate ourselves from ourselves, it's difficult to relate to the light that you are For those that may not understand or grasp.
Speaker 2:how would you describe the light and finding the light within and finding the light within?
Speaker 3:That's a great question and I would say that it can be answered in many different ways and probably none of them will reach the reality of the light. But I'm going to say that is this energy, this force, this consciousness that is constantly creating, that is constantly enjoying, that is constantly having this experience of realization. It's the world that is coming, realizing everything that is happening. So this light is not, that is not born when we are born. It's always there.
Speaker 3:And look, I do, and I work with past life regressions as well. So this light, it has a memory. It has, let's say, a wave that moves through time and space, making this dimension that we are living in this moment, making it possible for a physical reality to be here, and the light becomes a physical being. And this is what we are, this light that is a physical being in this moment, light that is a physical being in this moment. That doesn't mean I don't want to to to try to say that everything is wonderful and that, you know, this experience is this experience and we can experience this reality in different levels at the same time. But, um, it's great when you stop being so afraid of this experience, yeah.
Speaker 2:I think that was a beautiful description. Thank you for that. I think that's going to help a lot of people to feel more comfortable with just the word the light and being of light and understanding that. I think that's so important for so many right now who are coming literally into their light at this point in time.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You work a lot with remote energy healing. I would love for you to share how you discovered, experienced it for yourself and what that means and what the benefits are experienced it for yourself and what that means and what the benefits are.
Speaker 3:So remote energy healing is energy healing that we do in the distance, so our client is not present with us. My main training was at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in the United States. Barbara Brennan is already dead, she died a few years ago but she was a great teacher, a great healer and a great teacher and she did. She started a great program that I did learn there for seven years and then I became a teacher. Now in this moment I'm not teaching there anymore, but it was a great experience for me as well. And how we do that?
Speaker 3:I have created universal healing that we do remote energy healing. We do group remote energy healing. So everyone that books the healing participates for a very low cost in that group energy healing. And we, the healers, we just focus, we align, we know all these techniques. So maybe your question is a little bit about how well, maybe not so much how we use the techniques, but there are some things that are fundamental to be able to access that. There are some things that are fundamental to be able to access that, and one is to be very grounded and in alignment with ourselves. We have different qualities in us that when they are in alignment, we can do many things. We can really focus our attention in a very precise way to bring our attention and using this intention of our alignment for the killing, we can reach anyone anywhere, not just in this world. Also, if we needed to do it, probably we could work with someone in Venus or in another galaxy, it doesn't matter, because at the end everything is light and we are the light.
Speaker 2:So we kind of access that dimension where we become the light and we do what needs to be done it's so fascinating to me that you have a group setting for the healing and so someone signs up and share what they may experience during that healing, because it's not necessarily specific for them, but yet it is specific for each individual?
Speaker 3:Yes, that's a great question because actually, to help everyone to focus a little bit what we do with each healing that we put out there every week we do two of them every week, wednesdays and Sundays. What we do is we make a theme of a healing, like today, just before this podcast, we did the healing for the musculoskeletal system, so the bones and the muscles. Okay, so if you are having any issues with your bones or your muscles or the structure of your body, maybe you would like to have joined this healing. So the experience that you're going to have it's very individual. We have all range of experiences.
Speaker 3:There are people that they even book other healings for the whole year, and it's not that they are paying a lot of attention to this healing is happening now, but they will receive that healing because they are included. Their name, their presence is included in the healing. What are they experiencing? No longer go. One of these people that have booked the whole year told me that her overall health and sense, the sense of her life, has just improved. You know, she feels better in her life, she feels that it's more herself and yeah, you may say, well, this is kind of many people are having that. Yeah, many people are having that. But the only thing that is really different in her life, she says, is that now she's receiving all these healings every week and she feels much better. So there are people that are having deep, profound experiences during the healings and there are people that they are relaxing or not having so much of an experience of it, but they are for sure receiving the healing.
Speaker 2:That's amazing and with this distance healing, is it something that someone needs to set aside time specifically to rest meditate, or is it something that they can be going about their day?
Speaker 3:Yes, we say you can do whatever you like, you will be in the healing. We say you can do whatever you like, you will be in the healing. We recommend as well, if you want to have a more, a deeper experience and maybe really be able to perceive, to have this experience of receiving a healing, which I like a lot myself to feel that I'm receiving a healing. Maybe you would like to lay down or to sit in meditation and just be aware that you are receiving the healing and be there open to receive it. Like I said before, many people they just book it, they go with their life and they just receive the healing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think this is such an incredible program and I know that you have a team of healers that you work with for all of this. So when you're doing the different healing sessions and the modalities, is it one healer per session or do all of you together collaborate to send out that healing?
Speaker 3:What we do is we get together before the healing, 15 minutes before the healing, the healers that we are doing this healing. We are always a minimum of three healers and sometimes we may be four or five, but in the group we are 12 healers. But we are kind of rotating, you know, and we are from mostly europe and north america. The healers, our clients, are from all over the world. But what we do is we get together, we set the intention. Setting the intention is such a fundamental thing in healing Not just in healing, also in life but for the healing it's very important because our intention is so powerful that when we set the intention, we set also the boundary of the healing. We ask for protection and support. We all have spiritual guides and angels that are with us. So when we set that intention, the power of what we do becomes really powerful and evident.
Speaker 2:Very powerful. How do you I love that you just brought in your spirit guides how do you work with and how were you first introduced to your spirit guides and to your channeling work that you've done yeah, spirit guides and to your channeling work that you've done.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm not a Christian person, but I grew up Catholic in Catalonia, spain. That is where I'm from, even though I live in the States now the United States and I had my crisis when I was a kid. I was in such a beautiful relationship with Jesus Christ, but then I grew up. You know, things happen in my life my parents get separated and all that, and kind of lost that faith or that connection, and after a while I reconnect. And so at some point in those moments that we were talking before about what happens in my life, I had the chance to do a training of past life regressions where in the very first progression, I went into that space let's call it between lives, and guess who was there, who was there? So Jesus Christ was there and he told me several things, you know, that were very important to help me, to guide me, and I guess he's been always with me in that way. But also I have other guides that they also appear with me.
Speaker 3:I'm not going to say names, because, but there is one thing of guides that maybe this is interesting for your audience, that we call it the, the sacred human heart community. Okay, sacred human heart community of guides, and they are people, that they were humans at some point, but they were teachers of the heart, teachers of live your life in touch with your heart, with an open heart, and you'll see what happens, because it's one of the powerful things that we humans do have. Happens because it's it's one of the powerful things that we humans do have a beautiful heart that is loving and also it's courageous, and it's driving us to have this experience without limits. Okay, so, okay, this community are spiritual guides. I going to say thousands of them. I've seen them in several occasions, or many of them, and they are from all cultures, from, you know, from Native Americans, from Hawaiian, from Japanese, from all cultures. And it's funny because, you know, sometimes they are the light, yes, but they show up many times with that dress of their culture and and they bring also that, because we are a big family with beautiful differences, our different, different cultures, is such a richness and I I understand that even better now because I see all these guys that they still, you know, show up wearing their traditional costumes.
Speaker 3:There is a wisdom in each culture, there is richness, there is something that is very important for all of us to keep in each culture culture. So there is all this community of six level six level meaning high level of vibration of consciousness with to say yeah, to say in a nice way. It's a dimension of unconditional love that they are here. We don't see them in the physical reality, but they are here and they are always supporting. And they are here with us all the time, not just with us, the healers, when we work. They are here for all of us, for all of us all the time. So when we are able to kind of let go and surrender because we don't know how to figure it out, everything there will support us.
Speaker 2:For those out there who are questioning who their guides are have they ever connected, have they not? What advice do you have for that person?
Speaker 3:I would recommend to really quiet your mind, sit down or lay down and allow your guide to come to you. Okay, and with eyes closed, just allow. But I understand that sometimes that can be difficult to do by yourself. So if you know any healer or anyone that can take you in a trance, a session, that you can really relax and quiet your mind and you can just do that, you know. But meditation it's great for that. It's great to really open yourself up for more, because what we see is not everything, it's just a part. So in meditation we can access, we can open up for more of the reality that is here. In that reality we can start perceiving our guides as well. And I would say keep trying and don't be afraid. I think that many people they don't see their guides because they are afraid of what is out there. But if your intention is clear, your guides will show up for you.
Speaker 2:I think that's great advice for those who may have never connected, are interested, or those that may be connected and just fell off that boat for a little bit and want to reconnect. Or maybe there's new guides that want to come in. Do you believe that throughout the different phases of our lives, that we have different guides that step in, or do you believe that we have the same set from the moment we arrive to the moment?
Speaker 3:we transition yeah, we have some guides that we are kind of very close to and they are always available for us, and but we do also have a step into different spaces in our life that some guides come for that moment or for those years or to stay with us. It can be evident if you are able to access that space, but also if you pay attention. Look, one of the things that is happening with many of us is that it's hard to pay attention. But it's what I'm saying many times. Don't believe me, I know, don't believe me. Look for yourself. No, I know Everyone says that now, but don't just believe me.
Speaker 3:Pay attention. Pay attention to you, to your experience, to your life. Take that moment, that second Okay to come back to yourself, and because in that moment, many times it's where we're finding the links that usually we miss because we are going, you know, fast to here and there and all that. Pay attention, start. That can be a beautiful spiritual practice to start really paying attention moment by moment, when you can. You know I understand that sometimes we we have to do what we have to do, but when you can, when you remember that it's good to pay attention, pay attention to what's here, what's here in your life, and that will be probably the beginning of a more meaningful life for you.
Speaker 2:I agree with you wholeheartedly, do you find I found in? This actually happened to me this past week? I was in transition from one life to another here on earth and usually I always have time for meditate, have time for meditation in the afternoons, and so much was happening so quickly that I didn't even realize I didn't. And by the end of the week I could literally feel my insides, my soul was exhausted, I could feel my nervous system off, kilter and my immune system drop. And, as I laid down, I heard well now that we have your attention right Because they were trying to deliver messages and I was so in the 3D world that I wasn't able to get everything that was usually coming through to me. So I think it's really important to honor yourself in those moments and not let it get to where I did, where they tend to. Maybe make sure that you'll lay down.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's great. Thank you for for sharing that, because it's exactly like that, you know, and it's okay. Sometimes life takes over, you know, and but remember that you can pay attention to your life, that you don't have to be taken by everything else from your own life.
Speaker 2:Right Everything around you. You talk a lot about the secret to permanent health, and I would love to know what that is.
Speaker 3:Well, it's just paying attention to what you want, to what your body needs. It's very easy to say, oh, I saw those cakes. It's a little bit of playing that back and forth. I mean, if you want to be radical, it's great, okay, I think that sometimes it's great to be radical in your life when you really need to, when you have to. You know, I have run mountain marathons and all that at some point. Now I'm not running, I'm just walking and I'm climbing. Well, I'm doing things. But I remember the time that, you know, I was training so much and I was very focused and radical in that moment about my health and the shape of my body, my capacity to do extreme things. So, yeah, again, don't let your health escape from your control. We have a body.
Speaker 3:I don't want to extend this conversation a lot with other things, but there was a great doctor that he created, dr Hammer, the Germanic new medicine it's how it's called now and I love it because it's a doctor and he did all these scientific studies with his patients and he came up with the five biological laws. And so the five biological laws says that our body gets out of balance when something shakes us, that we are. That is an unexpected that really you know, like what happens to him his son died in a car accident, you know, just like that. So something is that is unexpected that we cannot process in the moment. When that happens, we, our body, gets out of balance. What does the body do have a tendency, a natural tendency, to bring balance back. If we don't get in the way of getting of of this thing, that our body when I say body, I I include here our energy field as well, because it has this natural tendency to bring everything back into balance so we can keep doing our thing, we can keep having this experience. I think that we are a bit of brainwash in the world, that our body has a tendency to get sick and all that type of thing. And my experience, what Dr Hammer was saying, my experience working with energy, it's that we're living in a beautiful, incredible universe that is working for us all the time and our body is not different from that. Our body is not here to get sick. It's here to bring every experience into back into balance and integrate it in us.
Speaker 3:This morning I was here in a farmer's market and I was seeing some, some people that they were having. They were all the other people and they were having distortions in their bodies. You know you, you could see that and and I think it's very important to keep loving ourselves. It's one of the keys and if we cannot find ways to bring that love back, whatever your way is, or if you don't, okay, trust that life will help you with that, but it's so important to to keep loving ourselves. This is the health how did you say it? The permanent health. Trust that our body it's always integrating our experience and in a balanced way.
Speaker 2:So bringing everything back into balance and find ways to keep loving yourself with that being said, why do you think it is that we get sick, that people get sick?
Speaker 3:that is sometimes we need our body to get back into balance, needs a reset. Depending on how long we have been out of balance, it may need more time as well for that reset to happen and in that reset the body shows the Dr Hammer explains that very well. In that reset there are symptoms. So sometimes we need fevers, sometimes we need lung infections, sometimes we need colics in our digestion, sometimes we need headaches, sometimes we need these.
Speaker 3:Things are ways that our body has to bring our physicality back into balance.
Speaker 3:It's true that we are born and we are carrying already sometimes things that are out of balance, that we have not processed in our past life, if you like to say it, or whatever.
Speaker 3:Also, we inherit sometimes conditions from our family that have not been processed, and usually it's just simple, like that is something that have not been processed. So process meaning something that was terrifying or that was we were very ashamed of, and that happens in families and all that and it we never put the light there. It stay always in the shadow in us or in our family or whatever, and that will create distortion in our system, that will create the contrary of health and but when we open up and we start healing, we may experience symptoms. We may experience also tumors and you know what things like that our body deals with, our out of balance, with symptoms. It's why energy healing I think it's so great because in doing energy healing we are not very aggressive with helping someone when they are experiencing that getting back into balance again. We actually doing energy healing, we actually support that natural process 100%.
Speaker 2:That's so important, 100% that's so important and I feel like, in something that you were saying, it's almost we needing to have this mindset shift. Perspective of our body isn't going against us. Our body isn't bad. This isn't something that's happening to us a sickness, a not feeling well. It's something that's happening for us if we can slow down, to get to that cellular emotional root cause, to look past that surface level of it 100%, 100%.
Speaker 3:We step from being victims of life to an empowered being of light that is having this experience and everything, because everything is light. Everything is supporting your experience.
Speaker 2:How do you help people to shift into the perspective of which is a very strong belief of yours that every experience that we have good, bad and different is bringing us back into alignment and you say we're in paradise here on Earth? How do you help people shift into that, especially nowadays? Right, there's so much. It's like every moment something is shifting in this world and we can either see the good in the moment or the not so good. But how do you help ground people into that positive, high vibrational light energy?
Speaker 3:yeah, I'm really not trying to do to do the spiritual bypass of saying, look, you are a spiritual being, don't worry, you're just focusing. No, actually, I think that we are here to really be very grounded, deeply grounded in this body and in this reality. And deeply grounded also means deeply focused and focus, meaning that our energies is here, is not so dispersed, even with other dimensions. We are here. When we are here, we can really perceive by ourselves, by ourselves. We don't need someone. I know that your question is how do I help? But I'm really helping my clients to become more grounded in their body.
Speaker 3:To me, it's essential, Essential, to own your body and own your presence in your body. When we are really here, we can really have this experience. If not, it's like having half. It's very easy and it's very and it happens a lot now with tvs and so many distractions that the tendency is not to be really grounded because our attention is dispersed everywhere. So I'm helping my clients with helping them to process their fears, their traumas, their experiences in different ways. One is talking and allowing that emotional wave to come to the light and then we work with that, and also I just work on the table and I do healing with them or remotely, no-transcript, so bringing that clear energy back into the and then they can experience for themselves. How does it feel? And yeah, I really. I think education is great, but I don't feel like I have to convince anyone, so, but I like to talk about it because I think it's important.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I agree. I think it's very important because for a lot of people, myself included, the first half of my life, because of traumas and such, I didn't live in my body, but yet I wasn't aware of it either, because I didn't know. So it's sort of like until you know, you don't know, and that's okay too.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and sometimes it's great that you do this, doing podcasts and all that, because it's a way to tap on the shoulder of people. Sometimes Absolutely. You can know if you want to.
Speaker 2:Exactly, it's a gentle tap. Yeah, oh my gosh, manuel, you are. Oh, manel, you are just amazing. I love your insights and your energies are so fabulous. I feel like I'm just all cozied up in beautiful white light right now, being here with you. As we're closing out the show today, is there one last piece of inspiration or advice that you'd like to leave with us?
Speaker 3:I'm just going to say keep paying attention, Keep paying attention. It's easy to say I don't know, it's easy to say to blame everything else or be scared of everything else, but I think it's even easier to start paying attention.
Speaker 2:I agree with you. That's wonderful advice. Will you share with our community, where they can best get in contact with you and to receive some of the distance healing that you do and to learn more?
Speaker 3:Yeah, for sure you can find us in universal healing. Universal-healingnet is. It's our. Well, that is our wait, wait.
Speaker 2:That is our email address. But it's a universal healing that um and well, now I'm I'll tell you. I think it's dot org. Hold on, I'm looking that, that's this that's it, dot org sorry about that's okay yeah and yeah.
Speaker 3:there you're gonna find our beautiful group remote healings that we do every every week twice and you can book them. And if you put your email address, you're going to receive our emails that we're sending, so you get informed about it. And also, if you'd like to know more about me, you can go to my webpage. That it's Manel Casanova Healing, and here we are all together being the light, so I'm very happy to be able to help anyone. Yes, Absolutely.
Speaker 2:We're all here to shine together.
Speaker 3:Yeah, 100%.
Speaker 2:Oh, wonderful. Well, as always, all of Manel's information will be over in the show notes on jenniferplattiescom, so you'll be able to connect with his direct website, with the healing team. All of the information that you know will be over there. Manel, thank you so much. This has been just an incredible experience. I'm honored to have you on the show today. I'm honored to be with you, Jennifer. Thank you so much. This has been just an incredible experience. I'm honored to have you on the show today.
Speaker 3:I'm honored to be with you, Jennifer. Thank you.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much. Well, as we say, until next time. May you live an empowered life from within.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. Please remember to rate, review and subscribe to Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates. Your feedback is important. It helps me to connect with you and gives me insight into who you are and what you're enjoying about the show. For today's show notes and discount codes from today's sponsors head over to JenniferPilatescom. Until next time, may you live an empowered life from within.