Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates

From Corporate Life to Spiritual Awakening with Jennifer Spor

Jennifer Pilates Season 14 Episode 141

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What if the key to unlocking your true potential lies in exploring the depths of your spiritual consciousness? Join us as I chat with Jennifer Spor, the dynamic CEO and founder of her namesake enterprise, and the voice behind the Path of the Awakened Heart podcast. Jennifer delves into the remarkable journey from a thriving corporate life that felt unfulfilling to a profound spiritual awakening catalyzed by the heart-wrenching experience of her mother’s terminal illness. Her powerful narrative showcases the incredible transformation that occurs when one chooses presence and authenticity over fear and complacency.

 In this episode, Jennifer candidly shares how incorporating mindful meditation into her daily routine has been akin to building a muscle, strengthening her connection to her higher self. Her path to becoming an Akashic Records master consultant is filled with enlightening moments, as she explains how these cosmic records illuminated new dimensions of spiritual growth. Jennifer demonstrates how accessing this vast library of soul experiences can provide unparalleled clarity, healing, and guidance, offering listeners the tools to tap into boundless possibilities for personal and collective harmony.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Empowered Within, a soul-quenching, transformational podcast that will set your soul on fire. Through candid and inspiring conversations, leading experts, celebrities, healers and I share our journeys of how we've overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. I'm your host, jennifer Pilates. Welcome to another episode of Empowered Within. Hi there and welcome to the show. I am so excited to have with us today Jennifer Spohr. It has been a minute that we've been trying to get together and I know that you guys are just going to love her as much as I do, so let me tell you about her. Jennifer is the CEO and founder of her namesake company and she's the host of Path of the Awakened Heart podcast. She's a spiritual advisor channel and Akashic Records trauma-informed master, consultant and teacher of high-achieving, conscious women who are here to live unapologetically expressed in their truth and fulfill their highest destiny in life Soul Ed. Welcome to the show, jennifer.

Speaker 2:

Aw, thanks so much for the warm welcome, jennifer yeah.

Speaker 1:

I know two Jennifers together today. Let's see what kind of fun we can have. So you've been on this wild and crazy spiritual journey that I've been reading about Everything from trauma to abuse, to homelessness, tragedy, spiritual awakening, dark night of the soul, career changes, and I'm wondering if you would take us back to how and when you feel that you really began on this amazing journey that you've been on.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, as you were saying that just now, I was literally seeing like my whole life flash before my eyes like a bunch of movie clips. So crazy. That's a big question. There are so many iterations of our journey right, so many different seasons of evolution that we move through. Would you like me to start at the very beginning, or where I would say is probably the first big initial catalyzer to shifting?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Truly that moment that really pivoted you to where you are now.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, so my whole life, I mean, I really has been pretty unconventional, right, and I have always been someone who, regardless of what season I've been in my life, anything and everything that I've chosen to pursue, it has to be something that I believe in. So that's, you know, always been important to me. I have always been really, really driven and I had a really successful career successful by traditional society standards, you know around, having checked all those boxes off the list, I worked in the retail industry for a really long time and for a long time I really loved it because, you know, in retrospect it turned out that there were lots of things about it that were and are in alignment with the essence of who I am right, like I loved helping people, I loved leading other people. I did love it for a long time. I reached a place where I essentially I might have already mentioned checked all those boxes off, right, and so what happened was I just reached this place, or kind of hit like this unseen ceiling right Of you know no longer, feeling like I was making a difference anymore, feeling like I wasn't learning you know anymore, and so that's really was the beginning of starting to wonder, you know, like, what's next, what could be next? When I honestly didn't think, didn't believe that there was to be anything that was next. I thought, oh, I'll retire this company. I'm like I'm working for Toward the end of my career. I was an executive director of store operations for like 1200 stores. You know.

Speaker 2:

I thought I was like set in my role so I didn't take action right away to change careers, but that really started the process of essentially rediscovering myself, or I, you know, I might actually even say discovering myself, because what I realized at that time in my life was that I didn't really know who I was anymore, because I realized that, although job and when I was outside of work, I tend to focus my energies a lot on what my friends and family wanted to focus on, right, so this was also the beginning of wow, like you know who really is, jennifer. So I didn't change careers right away. What I did do right away is I started really kind of opening up to my spiritual gifts and opening up to myself. I started spending a lot of time in meditation, really adapting meditation as a practice, and that's probably been about 15 years ago now, and I can say I still meditate today, seven days a week. It's like a non negotiable for me. So I really just started getting to know myself more, and so then I really didn't take action to make a huge change until about a year, year and a half, after that, because there was a lot of fear that I was experiencing at that time around well, I've been at this job for so long, you know, am I going to make the same salary? Can I have the same lifestyle? Like what are you know, all of all of those things around that fear of the unknown?

Speaker 2:

Then my mom at the time was diagnosed with terminal cancer and at the time I was living in New Jersey and she was in Idaho, where I live now, and I was flying back and forth a lot, trying to balance my career with spending time with her and helping out with my family. And there was this defining moment that I remember so clearly, as if it were yesterday. I was sitting by my mom's bedside, literally a few days before she transitioned, and there was this one moment where my work phone started pinging and ringing, and you know, because there was an issue happening, and then there was my mom. There was an issue happening, and then there was my mom, and in that moment, I found myself consciously faced again for probably the millionth time, of where do I get to choose to be present in my life? And in that particular moment, that was the end of that part of my life and the beginning of a new chapter, because I made a decision in that moment that I would never allow myself to feel like I was stuck or that I didn't have the power to choose. Essentially, my courage exceeded my fear, and so that was the beginning of the end.

Speaker 2:

What happened is it was a process, you know, but I ended up stepping down voluntarily from my career because at the time, remote work culture wasn't a thing. You know, I didn't even know that I didn't want that job anymore. At that point, I just it's just how it unfolded, and so a lot like the lyrics of a country song I often say this because it describes it so well I literally rented out my house in New Jersey, packed up my car and headed out west. I drove across the country by myself, which, by the way, I highly recommend. It's like so freaking liberating to do that, and in the summertime it was so beautiful and gorgeous.

Speaker 2:

And I moved back to Idaho to be closer to my remaining family, my close family at that time, and it was so crazy because, you know, at the point that I moved, I didn't know that I was going to end up becoming an entrepreneur and and dedicating that my life's work would be supporting other people in this way. It was some time after I had moved, probably a few months, that I realized I had all this support on my journey. So therapists, healers, coaches, you know I had readings done and all the things but what I was hard pressed to be able to find at the time was to be able to invest in receiving support from someone who could relate to what I was experiencing like this tremendous awakening and remembrance really is what it was and then also supporting me in integrating that in my body right, embodying that into my physical reality, and that was it. That was when I knew that I that I needed to become an entrepreneur and I needed to help other women with this, you know, and so so that's what happened. I ended up actually eventually starting a business and and that's been Wow, like six or seven years ago.

Speaker 2:

I'm on my second podcast. I had another podcast before, path of the Awakened Heart, and I've been through several different evolutions of my journey which I feel like we, we all go through, because creating and expansion we're wired for that. That's who we are as these amazing creator beings having this human experience, and so it honestly just never ceases to fascinate me the journey, and it just keeps getting better and better.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, that is quite the wild journey, and I love that, because the world is truly a wild place in general for anyone. And then, when you begin to embark on a spiritual journey, on a spiritual awakening, on a spiritual path, what is your advice for how people can live confidently and unapologetically in their truth and follow their soul's guidance? And has done as you have, which is pretty much sort of toggling away from the 3D world, from the constraints of the 3D world, and allowing themselves to spread their wings and feel confident to live their spiritual journey?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean the first step, the number one step is mindfulness, is cultivating mindfulness for yourself. Meditation was something for me, like I said earlier. I think it's been about 15 years and it's a lot like building a muscle. At first, because a lot of people say they can't meditate. Right, and it's not about that Everybody can meditate and go within. It's a lot like working a muscle. So at first it was.

Speaker 2:

I had to be disciplined. I had to have it in my calendar to be conscious about doing it seven days a week, no matter what was going on in my life. I always created time to do it and then over time and really not that long only after the first few months it started to bring me joy. It started to really land in my body as a part of who I am, and I love it. I look forward to it. That is the number one way to open, to release the resistance and constriction and all of the things that distract us in life, to be open, to hear, to feel, in some cases see and to know our soul's guidance.

Speaker 1:

We creating that space is absolutely the core of our ability to live guided by our soul. And what type of meditation do you practice?

Speaker 2:

when you practice. Yeah, so I practice just mindful meditation. I make it a point to meditate in silence, to really tune into my breath, to how my body's feeling being hyper-focused on what my senses are all picking up on in the now moment. And I teach my clients to meditate in that way as well. And I still utilize guided meditation journeys. Sometimes you know if I have a specific intention, but generally speaking, as a morning practice, it's always in silence, to tune into all my senses and to my body.

Speaker 1:

That's a beautiful way to start your day. I love that. Let's tap into being an Akashic Records master consultant. How does one become that, choose that, and what does it all mean?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in my experience, the Akashic Records tend to find us, as do most things that are calling to us at a soul level. So the Akashic Records found me and opened a huge portal for me in terms of my ascension journey, which I know. Reiki does that for a lot of people too, and I actually also trained in Reiki before the Akashic Records. It's a funny, interesting story because, well, first, just to say for those who aren't as familiar with the Akashic Records, put in the most simple context, they're like a limitless cosmic library for your soul. So you know, we are so much more than even the human experience that we're having in this now, moment. Right, we are an eternal soul. We have all of these past, present, future lives that exist in different versions of us, in different dimensions. It's mentions, it's truly so expansive and limitless, and so our records hold all of that information, all of the potential, all of the experiences, potential for healing, potential for clarity, anything that we wish to tap into your experience. We can do so through accessing our Akashic records. And the Akashic records found me through a set of tarot cards I love. You know, today I channel a lot and I don't necessarily need tools in order to tap in right, but I love tarot cards, I love Oracle cards. They're so much fun and I came across this set of Akashic record tarot cards and the energy of them immediately spoke to me, you know, spoke to my being and they were so detailed and intricate and I just loved the visuals and so I started using them frequently.

Speaker 2:

And then I felt guided to go on YouTube because there are probably a million free meditations that you can do that will guide you to a journey to accessing your Akashic records right. So I did one of those and then when I did that, I was self taught. I just started accessing my records on my own regularly. And then a mentor that I was working with at the time she had an Akashic Records school and was offering this really intensive, like nine months I think it was like nine or 10 month mastery program to go very deep in terms of more advanced like healing technologies and different ways that you can heal and navigate the records to be of service to yourself and to clients.

Speaker 2:

So I decided to join that and then it was through that program that I decided that I wanted to provide a way for others to receive teaching to learn how to access their own records. It's something that I've daydreamed about often, which is you know, imagine what our world would be like with the 8 billion of us here, if we were all in touch with ourselves at that level, right, at that depth. The amount of love and peace and harmony that it would bring to humanity and the planet. So that's been my journey with the Akashic Records. I highly recommend to everyone.

Speaker 1:

So if I were to sum it up for a layman, the Akashic Records, you could look into who I was in past lives, who I am today, and then do you potentially look into different avenues and roads that I could be going down in the future?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely yes, and so I mentioned earlier that we're these amazing, powerful creator beings, right.

Speaker 2:

Earlier that we're these amazing, powerful creator beings, right.

Speaker 2:

And so our power to create it all exists in this now moment.

Speaker 2:

So our future, your future path here exists based on potential, and it exists and it's being shaped based on how you're choosing to show up now, right.

Speaker 2:

And so in the records, you can actually do a future self progression, right, which I've done with clients in the past where I've taken them on a journey to connect with their future self within a certain period of time. Right, the client could be requesting a certain period of time, or you can just ask for whatever period of time, right, the client could be requesting a certain period of time, or you can just ask for whatever period of time and version of yourself to come forward. That is for your highest good if you wanna go that route and you're literally meeting that version of yourself, who she is, what she's doing, who she's being, how she's showing up, how does she spend her time. You know, and a lot of people love doing those future self-progressions when they have a specific vision that's on their heart to achieve and so tapping into the version of yourself who has already manifested that it's literally, it is collapsing space and time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that sounds absolutely incredible and I love how real you just made that, because for some people it would be too much too out there, too woo, if you will. But what you're just saying it's looking at your future self. Maybe you're going and meeting your inner child, Maybe you're reworking your present self, and I love the comfort that you just put in just calling in your future self to where you're looking to be, where you're looking to go. That sounds super exciting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, and you know, on a similar note, right, we do. I've also done past life regressions, because sometimes, when we are, you know, self sabotaging at a conscious or subconscious level, it can be due to something that needs to be healed from a past life. It can often be something that's beyond what you're currently aware of in your human mind. Right that you're experiencing in this reality. The energy, the essence of who we are is also embedded into our physical bodies and in our DNA.

Speaker 2:

So, like a lot of times when we're doing healing work, the root cause of something ends up being just something that someone is unconsciously holding on to. That can be from a past life, it can be from an ancestral wound, it can be from an inner child in this current life. That is a journey that I often take clients on to is connecting with an aspect of their inner child in relation to whatever challenge they're experiencing. So it's actually like, yeah, I mean you can look at it as wow, like I'm mind blown in a good way, like this is a lot, or. But you can also frame it as just being so much fun, because there's just so much possibility to tap into.

Speaker 1:

Totally. And so when you're working with someone and they come to you for Akashic Records, you know, the first step is that something where you're like, okay, give me a few days, I'm going to pull up your records and then we'll go over them together. And is it actually that, or how do you go?

Speaker 2:

about it with clients. Yeah, I don't actually prepare for readings. We tap in real time, so how it works.

Speaker 1:

Whoa, that's wild, I love it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so I, everybody there are a lot of people that work in the Akashic Records and everyone has their own style. For me, when I'm in private session with a client, I will will ground in and then I'll do a little invocation to ask them for permission to open their Akashic records. And often, because I'm a channel, when the Akashic records they're open, I'll often just start automatically receiving information without any prompting from the client, and then I'll ask them if they want me to share that any prompting from the client and then I'll ask them if they want me to share that. And I also encourage clients to come prepared to the reading with any questions that they have right. And the reason why I encourage that is because of the limitlessness the sheer limitlessness of your records. In order for you to receive the most value from your time, you want to have an intention.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I think that's cool. I've not done it that way before and that sounds incredibly intriguing to me. Like how can you be nervous if you're just diving in? I remember the first time someone read, it actually came back like a book for me and I was going through it by myself and I was. You know. There were some things in there that I was like huh, really. But then there was stuff that I felt like was missing and when I inquired about it they were like oh yeah, well, to that person it wasn't as important. So I love that you're real time, real space, with someone doing that. That's super incredible.

Speaker 2:

That's super incredible. Yeah, it really is. It really is. And to say that you know, the more willing you are to shift and change and when I say change, I mean in an evolutionary way, right the more open you are to that, the more open you are to just release attachment and resistance and ground in and be open to receive Even one session, can be life-changing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it sounds it. It sounds like a few minutes with you could be absolutely shift someone's whole entire world. So I don't know about anyone else, but clearly we'll all be signing up after the end of the podcast.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty cool. It is really cool. I mean, it's been such a tremendous part of my journey and I really love you know sharing that with from truth and love, and we're literally barely scratching the surface at a conscious level of that, Because it just radiates from you.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like I can you know? I just feel all these other energies and whatever we want to call them spirits floating around between us right now. It's like I feel like everyone's biting at the bits to have something to say, also on our podcast. With all these energies flying around, I love that.

Speaker 2:

It's just so much expansion and this conversation that we're having right now is so perfectly aligned for what's happening in the collective. I mean, I was having a conversation with another woman earlier today really just saying that you know, it's like humanity is coming back online.

Speaker 1:

I would agree. Yes, it's almost like humanity has been in this really weird retrograde where it's been like forward, backward, forward, backward. And now and I just said something like this early today I'm like I feel like we've turned a corner. I feel like this breath of fresh air, but at the same time, I feel like the choo-choo train has left the station and we all need to like in an exciting way. We need to get really clear really fast, because I just feel like so many cool things are about to happen along this wild journey that we're on.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's so true. It's funny. I use that phrase a lot too. The train has left the station because it has, and there's nothing stopping the train.

Speaker 1:

No, I feel it's right, it's like all aboard. Hold on tight because we're going for this. Yes, we're going for it.

Speaker 2:

We're already. We're already on the ride. It's like I had created this or shared this message recently about my experience in jumping out of a plane. You know, and it's a lot like that. It's like once you jump, like that's it, it's happening. You can't like stop in midair and go back and go. I don't want to do this, I don't want to finish. You know, that's the energy that we're in right now.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I saw that picture of you I think I saw it on Instagram and on my heart I was like God bless her. God bless her. I don't think I could do it.

Speaker 2:

I would like to do it but boy, that's a lot, boy, that's a lot of energy and fear and insecurities to get past. There's a lot of letting go in that experience. I mean, I learned so much from that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, wow. How incredible. Well, speaking of experience, what is when you think about, since you've been on your spiritual journey, what's one impactful piece of wisdom that you've gained along your journey that you'd like to share?

Speaker 2:

Wow, I might just pick one or you can have a few. I want to share something that is grounded and really actionable for whoever is listening. So releasing resistance we talk about when I say we, I say the personal development industry, spiritual communities talk so much about surrendering on the path that it's almost become kind of like a buzzword and a cliche, unfortunately, because it really is such a core component of the journey. And when I talk about resistance, I mean anything and everything that promotes separation, consciousness, right. So any feelings of not feeling worthy or deserving, or unhealed trauma, or not believing in yourself that you can achieve something, judgment, lack of forgiveness, you know, any scarcity, weight of being all of that falls under resistance. And a lot of people even categorize resistance and look at it in the through the lens of focusing on a specific goal or intention of something that they want to create. What I am talking about is releasing resistance through all of your body systems, through all of your being, and really embarking on that journey to learn how to live and flow.

Speaker 1:

I love that it's so important to release at a cellular level and I always work with people and say sometimes it's not about zoning in on one particular issue or trauma, it's just letting go, getting to that root cause and just releasing. I would say it's not about 15 years of therapy as much as it is about getting to that cellular level root cause and releasing at that point.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and it it can happen quite quickly. Earlier in our conversation we talked about in the records how you can collapse space and time and you can experience healing work in your records that that will change your life, and even as little as one session. It really goes back to also what we were speaking of earlier, which is that your willingness, your own willingness right Because this would be another piece of wisdom I would love to bring to everyone's awareness too is that as a human, you have this amazing gift of free will. Everything unfolds in accordance with your free will, right, so you can use that free will to live and flow, or you can use that free will or misuse that free will to stay in resistance, right, so you always, no matter what your external circumstances are, you always have the power to choose. You cannot control everything, but you always have the power to choose how you respond.

Speaker 1:

I love that and, touching on something that you were talking about, when you're working with someone and working and opening up those Akashic records which, like I just like envision this big gold book, that's dusty, that's opening, you know, and the dust is flowing and and all of that, is it like how you and I are right now, that you're like okay, we're going in a session, take an inhale, take an exhale and boom, here we go. What are your questions, or is it that Okay, it?

Speaker 2:

is yeah, I connect with clients via video on zoom and, yes, we for a reading. At the very beginning we will ground in and then I will do a little invocation and ask the client for their name, to say their name and ask them for permission to open their records, and then at the end of our session, I close their records as well to indicate that we're finished. I specify in a reading because I do also provide longer term mentorship, working with other women as well, and within that, there are sessions where we do work in the records. There are also other things that I support women on as well, with strategy and various other things that they have in mind too.

Speaker 1:

So cool. I think that's important because, again, there is something very special about the way that you're talking about the records and I've talked about the records with tons of people and seen it different ways and there's just something very grounding and very safe feeling about the way that you're talking about it and so I feel that I must be picking up on people's energies that, like would be a little scared or a little insecure or not knowing what to expect. So I appreciate you going into that and sharing that, because I think that that that brings someone one step closer to being open and willing to explore who they are, to release whatever it is and to bring in whatever needs to come in. I think that's beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, and it is really important to feel safe. I am personally very honored with anyone, even if I have one session with someone whoever I'm working with that they're putting their trust in me and that they feel safe to be in that space, and I encourage everyone listening. You know you can go right and look up one of those free meditations and access your records yourself. You know there is value in working with someone who can help you to put more structures to working in your records and also teach you more advanced healing technologies and future life, you know, or anything else right as a way to more efficiently navigate your records and that journey. The only thing I will say you know to everyone is, if you do go explore the records on your own, that's great. Just make sure that you set an intention, even if it doesn't indicate it, in whatever meditation you choose. Set an intention to only be connected in your records with the highest frequency light.

Speaker 1:

See, that would be the one concern as to why I wouldn't do it on YouTube, because I wouldn't necessarily. I feel you don't always know where what other energy could be there or what else is fully you know, you just don't know sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know I normally don't do this. I'm feeling guided, though, to share this. Absolutely true, what you're saying I don't specialize in. You know I have some meditations on YouTube, but I don't provide, you know, diy learning records, learning your records, meditations on YouTube. But what I will say is I will recommend. The name of the company is Unlock your Life, and the woman is she specializes in hypnotherapy and I believe she does have a journey on her channel of around accessing the records, and she may even have one about finding your soul purpose and accessing the records too. I have personally listened to some of her meditations, because she has all kinds of different guided meditations and different journeys. Her energy is definitely of high frequency and pure.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's nice. Thank you Well, and we can also all of your contact information and your YouTube, and you have lots of freebies, meditations and things on your website. All those links will be over on the show notes so that people can connect with you, because everyone's going to want to love and go through your energy. First, because it's so amazing and it just it's so refreshing and grounding to speak with a spiritual person who is so solid in their foundation. And just matter of fact and not, you know, sometimes people are just a little too floaty. You know what I mean. They're really good, but they can just be a little too floaty is, I guess, the only word I can describe it.

Speaker 2:

I I completely understand with what you're saying and I would say there was a season in my life where I was a little floaty too. Yeah, I mean to me and you know. Thank you, by the way, for that compliment. I really appreciate that. That's the name of the game. We're a soul, we're here on earth in this human body, and it's so amazing that we are such powerful creators and we get to decide, like, what do we want to do with this body? It can be like a playground.

Speaker 1:

You know, absolutely. Yeah, I know, and I was thinking it could just be the Taurus in me. Right, I like to stay very grounded but I like to tether myself off into the spiritual world. But then, like I'm like nope, I got to feel my feet on the ground, I got to have that, that solidness.

Speaker 2:

Well, there is a benefit for anyone listening right To be grounded, and it's interesting we're talking about this because I am moving through another evolution as we speak right now, in my life's work and my journey as well, and I am going to be speaking more often specifically about grounding and how to become more solid and fully present in your human body, but with your awareness at a soul level.

Speaker 1:

I think that's so spectacular, especially, I know I realized that for a lot of my life. I know I realized that for a lot of my life I didn't live present in my body and so I work at that wholeheartedly, almost every day I work at that, whereas now it's much easier and it's also much clearer if I'm trying to jump out, and then that's when I'm like no, stay here, why are you trying to jump out? Kind of thing. And maybe that will resonate with some people too, and anyone that's had any sort of trauma or such dynamics in their early, early ages of life, they know what I'm speaking of, of how you want to learn and honor and be in your body too. As you say, that empowers yourself and to feel how incredibly powerful you are. And then you get so addicted to being in your body that you don't want to jump out anymore.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, yes, yeah, definitely. I have also experienced trauma. You do not want you know. As a protection mechanism, we leave our bodies right and so, yes, it's a journey to learn how to be grounded and to feel safe being with yourself, to feel safe being in your body, and then to get to a place where you're actually enjoying being in your body.

Speaker 1:

I know it is so important. Oh, jennifer, this has been so amazing. You have opened my eyes to looking at the Akashic Records in a whole nother way, and I couldn't thank you more for that, and I know that our community is going to appreciate that it's something we haven't spoken of yet here on the podcast, so I'm honored that you are our gateway to our Akashic Records. As we are closing out the show today, what is one last piece of inspiration or advice that you would like to leave with us?

Speaker 2:

Yes, what's coming forward right now? We, you know we are living in unprecedented times and doing the trust fall. You know, with God, with your soul's guidance, and living led from that space is no longer a nice to have. It is absolutely a pillar of living a life where you're experiencing health and joy and abundance and prosperity and all of the things. And so know that, whatever direction you're being called to in your life, anything big or small, to trust that and to trust that even you, as one of 8 billion humans living here right now, whatever you're being faced with and guided to that, when you choose that soul-led path, then you are contributing to humanity as a collective. Coming back online, so absolutely imperative and know that, you know, give yourself permission to just go for it.

Speaker 1:

Love that. Yes, everyone want everyone to go for it, because these are unprecedented times and we should embrace the excitement and embrace the sense of community and release the division of what was to bring in the community that we've all been craving for so long, and it's such a beautiful feeling and thank you for that, jennifer. That was amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Thank you. What an honor to finally get to connect with you and to have this conversation. It was really really wonderful. Thank you Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and, if you wouldn't mind, where is the best place that you would like all of our community to come and work with you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the best place to connect with me would be through my website. It's jennifersporecom. J-e-n-n-i-f-e-r-s-p-o-r-e-z-p-z. For those who don't have the show notes in front of them, p-o-r-e-z-p-z. For those who don't have the show notes in front of them. I also hang out a lot on Instagram, so you can connect with me there. And that's Jennifer underscore sport.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Well, thank you. And again, all of Jennifer's information will be over in the show notes so you can click and begin working with her today notes. So you can click and begin working with her today. Well, jennifer, thank you again for this eye-opening, spiritually vibrational high energy that you've brought into the podcast today. This has been so much fun. I'm so honored that we finally got to connect.

Speaker 1:

Yes me too, thank you. Thank you so much. Well, as we say, until next time, may you live an empowered life from within. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. Please remember to rate, review and subscribe to Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates. Your feedback is important. It helps me to connect with you and gives me insight into who you are and what you're enjoying about the show. For today's show notes and discount codes from today's sponsors head over to JenniferPilatescom. Until next time, may you live an empowered life from within.

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