Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates

How to Communicate with Your Animals with Pet Psychic Nikki Vasconez

February 08, 2023 Nikki Vasconez Season 9 Episode 99
Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates
How to Communicate with Your Animals with Pet Psychic Nikki Vasconez
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Show Notes Transcript

Nikki Vasconez wasn’t always a pet psychic; her career path started out as an attorney. In fact, it wasn’t until her late 20s that she learned animal communication was even possible. Last July Nikki quit her attorney position and went full-time animal communication. She now spends her days connecting with animals, and teaching all of us to connect with animals, in a way modern society tries to convince us is only possible in movies and fairy tales.

Show Notes: https://jenniferpilates.com/the-podcast

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"Transforming Body, Mind & Spiritus Worldwide for 20+ Yrs" - Jennifer Pilates

I am a Celebrity Empowerment Mindset Coach + Trainer, Top-Rated Podcast Host and Author.  I'm a multi-passionate entrepreneur, detail-loving, stubborn-as-heck achiever, unshakeable optimistic, philanthropic, self-care activist, fur-baby momma and ocean loving intuitive-empath.

From her coaching to training, to her top-rated Podcast: Empowered within, Jennifer has been leaving her inspirational, empowering and transformational touch on clients and celebrities worldwide for well over two decades!

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Welcome to Empowered Within a Soul Quenching transformational podcast that will set your soul on fire through candid and inspiring conversations. Leading experts, celebrities, healers, and I share our journeys of how we've overcome challenges to living an empowered life from within. I'm your host, Jennifer Pilates. Welcome to another episode of Empowered Within. Hi there and welcome to the show. I am so excited to have with us. Today's guest, Nikki Vaskin pet psychic extraordinaire. She is phenomenal. I came across her on social media, obsessed with her videos, with how she was communicating with animals and just had to reach out and have her on the show. So here she is today. Welcome Nikki. hi, Jennifer. Thanks for having me on today. Yeah. I'm so excited to dive into everything. You have an incredible story and journey, and I'm hoping that you will share that with us because you weren't always a pet psych. no, it's actually only been about two years. So I'm excited to chat about how I got here. Yeah. So tell me I know you talk about how the, you had this revelation and the reality of your world shifted. So take me back to that day and, and how it all got started for you. So let's do it. I used to be an attorney and just last July, 2021, I quit the. And went full-time animal communication. So I haven't been doing this that long and I didn't even know animal communication existed until my late twenties. I'm 33. I found out about it at 28. A, a friend of a friend could talk to animals. She didn't do it professionally, but she had been doing it for years. And when I heard that something inside of me, just everything stopped for a moment. And I was. What did you just say so then she told me about it and she's like, yeah. And she gave me all these stories. So I just went home. Why on Amazon started just researching animal communication books. And I bought like seven of them, the, the bottom row here of books or all the animal communication books. And I just started reading and a common theme in all of these books from different authors was that we can all. and I'm like what? And some of the authors had had this ability, this gift quote, their whole life and others did not. Some of them didn't find out about it until they were 50. So I was like, all right. And then something shifted. And I was like, okay, maybe I can do this because they're all saying everyone can do it. So I just, well, I first read book after book, after book for a while, convinced myself this was real. And then just started practic. And by doing practice sessions, I slowly convinced myself that I was doing it. And that's how it all started. That is amazing. So through your journey, I know that you have a very special story with your own dog mm-hmm and how he really helped you through some struggles and tribulations. Will you share that with us, cuz that is so special that you were able to really help within your own family? Yeah, I, this is actually something I never even shared publicly until a couple months ago. And I had kind of had an battle with an eating disorder on and off forever. And it wasn't that I. Didn't wanna gain weight or I wanted to look a certain way. It started when I was a young child, because I had a lot of digestive issues and all, literally all food would make me so bloated. I looked like I was pregnant and it would put me in so much pain. So as a young child, I, I didn't understand like, cuz in my mind, food is supposed to nourish us. So I would eat something, be in severe pain, make myself throw up and then I would feel. So for me, it, that was the beginning of a very unhealthy relationship with food because I just associated food with pain. I would throw up, feel better and then eat something else. And then over the years that kind of turned into purposely eating things. I knew weren't gonna be good for me, but then I would just throw it up. and then eat something good for me. So it was just really not good. And I had wanted to stop for years. It kind of was on and on, on and off for years. And like you mentioned, my one dog was really this little nine pound teacup. Poodle. Donald was the little man that helped me do this. I, like I said, for years I was wanting to stop and I just like wasn't I couldn't do it. I don't know. And I realized one day he pooped on my bed. and he never does that. Like never, ever. And I knew in my gut, I knew why he was doing it, but I just tried to ignore it. And then the second day he did it again and I was like, oh my gosh, because he knew what I was doing. Every time I would go to the bathroom, he would follow me, but I would shut the door and turn the fan on. So he couldn't hear me because I knew he didn't like it, but that does nothing. Our animals are in neatly psychic and telepathic. They know. Right. I was like, oh my gosh, like my actions are affecting my sweet pop. And this was before I got into animal communication, I was kind of just dabbling in the journey of realizing how in tune our animals are with us. And that day was the last day I ever made myself grow up. And still to this day, years later, he will follow me to the bathroom. Every single time he looks in like, what are you doing? And I'm like, Donny, I'm just going pee. And then he'll do like this little snort just to make sure. And then he walks away. So like that right there was just life changing for me because you know me, I wanted to stop forever. But when it was just about me, I, these excuses and you know, all that stuff that comes up. But when it's this other little poodle, I'm like, I don't wanna hurt. and it's just like our animals. They love us so much. And they have so much to teach us. They do. That is such an incredible story. And how beautiful that he helped you. Yeah. When it seems like, you know, not very much else could, or you weren't willing to let that in at that time. Right. Exactly. Yeah. So when that transpired, you said you were just dabbling. Did that really kind of push you to go? I think I'm, I'm all in, honestly, that, like, at that point, I. I don't know if I knew it. It was possible at that time, but that was when I was just really de like deepening my bond with my animals and just really connecting with'em on a different level, actually. You know what? No, I did know it was possible because I was seeing the connection that we had. So at that time, yeah, that was like, wait a minute. There's way more here than we can see with our physical eye, because you know, a lot of people. Growing up. I was, you know, it's a dog, it's a cat. Like they don't understand, they don't have souls. You know, I grew up in a Christian background or a Catholic background. So it was like, animals don't have souls, you know, whatever you believe is fine. But for me, I was like, well, wait a minute. No, there's a lot more here behind the scenes. And that just really showed me like, okay, there is more to research. Let's figure out what's kind of behind the veil for sure. Mm-hmm, it's so amazing. I know, since I came across your videos and I've been just listening and I'm an intuitive myself, so I get it. And yes, I've, you know, had a connection with both my fur babies. However, since I've listened to your videos, it has like gone up a whole nother level. It is amazing. And just really like you, you express like talk to them, like you would talk to. mm-hmm and it's, it's amazing, Jennifer, I hear that so much that just by watching your videos, Nikki, my relationship with my animals has changed. And for me that's like the, the top golden sphere of like everything, because yeah, I have a business and there's sessions and all that, but really what it boils down to is my entire being with what I'm doing is to help people connect deeper with their animals without my assistance. And really, like you said, just talking to our. With regular words and regular sentences will change everything instantly. I mean, if there's no doubts, there's no questions. Even if someone's a skeptic of like me doing sessions, there is no way you can discredit the change that you will see by just talking to your pets. Oh, absolutely. A hundred percent. We just had, a new pet sitter come. And so I was preparing. Like this is who's coming and this is why she's here. Because a few months ago, when I went away, there was a traumatic event that transpired with the sitter that we had horrific. Oh. So it's like, I'm so unnerved and, and, and, you know, numerous neighbors are using her and she was delightful. She showed up and she's like, I love crystals. I love cards. I I'm like, oh my gosh, I love you. And she has her own kitty cats. I had told my little baby girl, Lola, I said, this will be up to. If you say no, it's a no, if you say yes, it's a yes. Yeah. And so while she was even there, I looked at her and said, what time do you want her to come? And it was amazing, Nikki. It was just, and it's not that I didn't communicate with her before, but I'm going on a whole nother level. Mm-hmm since I've been watching your videos so much deeper and they respond, she responded to you, right? Oh yeah. She blinked her eyes. I said, you know, do you wanna come at four in the afternoon, five in the afternoon? She, and she was like, you know, her brother was more like, yeah, I don't know about this but she was like, okay, I see I'm in charge. Okay. Mm-hmm mm-hmm and it's that simple. I, I teach workshops every month of teaching people how to do this and I get a lot, you know, how do you, how does one obtain your gift? And I'm like, well, first of all, let's, let's go to that sentence. You just said, I don't have a gift. We all have this animal communication is just a skill. It's a muscle to be developed and sure. Some people are gonna be better at it than others. That only, that's just dedication time to put into it. What's your life like? Are you in a stressful relationship? Do you hate your job? You know, all of those things are gonna kind of close off your intuitive abilities that we all have within us. So like you said, I mean, you've been talking to your animals forever. It kind of amped up a couple levels. Seeing my videos and stuff, but you're seeing firsthand that really we can all do it because it just takes speaking to them. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. It's just amazing. So will you walk us through first? How you should we say like came out because I'm sure family and friends were like, wait, what you went from being an attorney. You're gonna be a pet psychic. Like what are you talking about? Yeah. Um, how that process evolved for. I was an attorney, like I said, in, in, um, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a large city kind of near me. Well, not really. I had like a two hour commute every day and my family knew I was really stressed. My eyes were twitching. I was unhappy. I didn't like being in court. I was in trials every day and it was just super stressful for me at the time I was at the firm. I learned animal communication was possible. Was reading books, practicing. I practiced on my family's animals. So they kind of knew I was dabbling in this. I don't think really any of them thought that it would actually turn into a full business, let alone where I am today. Like no way they, not that they doubted it, but like for them it was like, wait, what, you're gonna talk to animals for a living. How is that gonna work? So I did practice sessions for about eight months, and then I was getting, I was getting phenomenal feedback and I was like, wow, like I can do this. And I saw that there was a great need at the time. I didn't have social media. I didn't like social media. And none of it. And then I realized, well, I have to get a social media because I'm running out of friends and family. I only have a limited amount of friends and family. I need to reach other people to do practice sessions because anyone's gonna do anything for free. Even if they don't believe me, it's free. Like why not? And so I created a, um, Instagram and just started getting people because everyone would tell someone and would tell someone. And I started charging a very small amount, like 40. And I just saw, like it was taking off and people were paying and then I went up to 50 and then people were paying and then I went to 65 and it was like this slow increment. And I realized, wait a minute, I'm booked two weeks out. Cause I, I can only do two readings a day. So it's not like I can do this all day long. And I realized, wow, like I I'm getting booked out. And I really don't even know what I'm doing yet in, in sense of like business and marketing and stuff. And then, so I just slowly growed my Instagram. That's how I started. And. Started charging was still at the firm, got to the point where I was. I knew I wasn't going to expand any further in the animal communication while still at the law firm, because being a lawyer was such an energy suck for me that I would wor I was, I went part-time lawyer. And then, so I was working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I couldn't do any reading. So I needed a day to kind of like bring my energy back to myself. So I was only doing readings Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and I was like, well, wait a. I love this animal stuff. I hate this lawyer stuff, you know, I need to make a change. And my, I started talking to my husband. He was totally on board from the very beginning. And I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna quit. Like, I'm never, I need to take a leap of faith. It was really scary, right. Going from a salary, a set paycheck to a complete unknown. And my husband's the most supportive human ever. And he was like, just do it. So I, and my dad and my stepmom came to help me move outta. um, for my office in center, city, Philadelphia. And like, my dad is so supportive and loving and wants me to be happy. But like you could tell a little part of him was like, what the heck is she doing? What is going on? Like, you know, he would never admit to that. And like, he'll never see this and it, so I would say it anyway, but like, love you dad. But I could tell, and I looked at my stepmom. I'm like, what's his. And he's like Nick, or she was like, Nick, this is just kind of hard, you know? And, um, but no one in my family really was like, you're a psycho, what are you doing? They kind of just, oh, well, that's cool. You know, like the awkward smile, head tilt, what. And then I still hear to this day, my chiropractor, everyone, I can't believe what you've created. Like I, how, I don't know how you're making a living doing what you're doing. Right. It's pretty phenomenal. I mean, what an incredible story and what I love about it is there is so much hope in there for following your passion, following your heart, taking a leap of faith. I mean, this is just talk about a whole extreme, a whole 360. Yeah. Not even a 180. This is a 360 for you, right? Anything is possible. Anything is possible if you want it and you have your focus on it, make it happen because you can, right? Absolutely. So will you share, because I love that you started to, um, go into the idea and express, like you do do two readings a day. So I would love for you to share what is a session like with you. If I wanted to book you, how does that work? What does it look like for you on your end? Okay. So now I have a wait list. I didn't always have a wait. Prior to making. I made a TikTok last November prior to TikTok, when I was just on Instagram and Facebook, I was booked out about two, three weeks, which you would go my website, you'd book a session. You waited two to three weeks. I made a TikTok, went viral almost overnight and got inundated with readings. I woke up two, one night in December and one night in January, I woke up to like 50 plus submissions readings that people. Just put through overnight. And I was like, holy smokes. I can only do two a day. So do the math, right? That I went from two weeks, booked out to 3, 4, 5 months booked out. It happened again in January. I was like, holy smoke. Like I need to stop it. So I increased my price a little bit just to try to slow it down, which did nothing. And then I was like, I gotta just close my books completely. So starting in this past January, I created a wait list. So now what I do is four times a year, September, December, March, and June, I take a new batch of orders. And then the wait is like, I don't know, 10 weeks, maybe sooner, depending on like it's kind of first come first serve. So I send an email out to everybody on my wait list. Hey, in one week on this date and this time you're gonna get a link and schedule. And I think this, so coming up in September is gonna be the first time where I'm sending. A email out to my wait list. There's like 5,000 people on it. Oh my gosh. So I amazing. I'm thinking that the, the submission, the readings are gonna fill in like five minutes. I don't know. This is the first time I'm doing it, but so, so now it's you join my wait list. You'll get an email. And when I, and I can only do two a day, because for me, the whole process, the reading itself is anywhere from like 50 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes, depending on what the animal's saying. And it's usually about usually it's at least an. um, if not like 55 minutes, but it's the, the session itself is an hour, but then 10 to 15 minutes prior to kind of, for me to get into a meditative state, kind of get in the zone about it. And then after the session, I can't jump right into another session. So I usually wait about a half hour, 40 minutes and then do another one. Mm-hmm um, it's a lot of energy to do this when you're sitting still eyes shut, not moving for an hour and a. so I cat myself at two readings a day because if I had to do three, I I'm sure I could. But when I get to the point where I don't really wanna do the reading, yeah. I'm not gonna do it right. Because I, my heart needs to fully be in it. Right. Um, I do all of my sessions remotely. It's just through a picture. So when people book, they submit their animals' picture. I just look at the picture in the beginning when I'm connecting, turn my phone off, and then my eyes are shut the whole time. And I just ask questions in my mind, directed at the. And whatever they say, I repeat out loud. I record myself when I'm speaking and then I send you guys the audio file to listen to. That's so cool. So after you do a session for someone's animal, how long is their wait then to receive their session from you instantly. Okay. So right when I'm done doing the session, I email it to them right away. So the, the wait is when everyone's gonna book at the same. it. So I say received within 12 weeks, realistically, you'll probably get it within, um, eight weeks, but I'm giving myself that extra couple weeks just in case something happens, whatever. So people aren't like, ah, you're super late. Um, so I say I, everyone, 40 people, 50 people go to book, you know, the first person who books is obviously gonna get it sooner. The last person is gonna take longer. So it's like within that window, you'll get it sometime within that timeframe. But right when I do the session, you. Instantly right after. That's amazing. Well, at first I wanna say congratulations because what an incredible journey and sharing so much for even those that are sitting back going well, how would I get started? She's explained that she went, you know, started with her Instagram, Facebook jumped over to TikTok and became a talker viral talker, which is amazing. I'm so happy for you. And now you also have some really exciting news to share because you're going bigger, better, further. It just so wild. I'm so, so excited for you. Do you wanna share it right when you first started talking? I was like, wait, what is she talking about? But then, because this is so new to me. So about, I don't know, a couple months ago I had this girl reach out from the UK, this, um, journalist. And I thought she was a scam because I get so many fraud messages and like, I don't know, it just seemed weird to me and I, my husband was like, Nikki. just go with it. You know, the worst that can happen is you don't nothing happens. So I, I would refu, I refused to give her my email because I didn't want her to like spa my email. I told her I would only meet on zoom so I could see her in person. Anyway, she ended up writing an article about me, an animal communication in the UK. I woke up. So that was a Sunday night. Within eight hours of me sleeping. It got picked up internationally. All across the United States went completely viral. I woke up to. Three production C four production companies had reached out to me like dozens of radios, all these people. I, I woke up my email. I was like, what is happening? Cause at that point, I didn't even know she had written the article. I mean, I didn't know she posted the article yet cause she, she didn't even let me know because it happened. There were five hours ahead of us anyway, fast forward. Um, all in all four production companies reached out to me to create what's called like a docu series. What you see on Netflix, like a season. And I signed with one of them. I can't say who yet, but were in the process. Of creating what's called a sizzle reel, which is kinda like a movie trailer to then pitch to the various networks, Netflix, Amazon, HBO, to see if one of the networks will, will grab, will wanna buy it. And then we start filming. So theoretically, and I'm gonna say there a hundred percent, but I don't know for sure, but I'm all about manifesting. There's gonna be a TV show about me and animal communication. We're gonna fly around the country. I don't really know the specifics of what it's gonna look like. I mean, how amazing to spread the knowledge of this is real and watch it happen. Live on TV. This is so amazing. Congratulations. And I have to tell you, I keep hearing discovery channel. really? I do. It's. It's so funny. Do you know, is discovery channel linked with Disney at all? I'm not sure, but I know there's like, there's a, there's like discovery and then I think there's like a discovery plus or something like that. Yes. I just, and it came in for me yesterday too. And I was like, I have to mention it to her. I just keep hearing discovery. So that would be amazing. Someone on my TikTok commented. I hope it's Disney. Because then Disney, if it's on Disney, then it'll be Disney plus and discovery channel. Oh. So I commented back this morning. I said, are, is discovery channel linked with Disney? I didn't know because I mean, animal planet that's on discovery channel. Yeah. That would be so amazing. I mean, it just makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm I, this is so cool. I'm so excited for you. I'm on your wait list. I've been on your wait list. Like I'm so excited. And then after that I'll be on, because I have two babies here and one who's passed over. So I can't wait to, you know, work with you to connect with each one of them, which will be really neat. Definitely looking forward to it. It's so like the specifics of what they share is just so heartfelt, especially when they're deceased. Right. Because you know, You, and I, we're kind of both in the same, like we're intuitive and we know that our past loved ones, animals and humans are really are still there. Like we intuitive, we, you know, we get that on some level, but of course we still grieve the physical absence of them. So by hearing. These very specific things that I would have no idea of knowing it really just soothes the heart. And it's just really special. Truly. Yeah. I'm very much looking forward to it. So when you have now for the last year or so been doing your readings, do you find a common theme that comes up with the different animals that you communicate with? Do you mean like, do all horses say one thing and all dogs say another or like, is it always, they're always like, oh, I want my owner to know how much I loved them or, oh, it's like, I know you talk about the collar and the, the bell. Yeah. So, you know, those kinds of themes. I think the number one most predominant theme is they are so observant to our physical. But also our inner world, because in every session I always, I, I go through like their whole life and I don't know, I can't speak for other animal communicators, but just for my research of sessions I've paid for and websites of what they say is a lot of animal communicators are like, here's my fee. I ask five questions. And for me, like that just doesn't work for me because I ask. I give you an option to ask five questions, but I ask like a hundred thousand of my own. I go through their house, their be their food, their exercise, like everything. And when I talk to the animals, like they, they always have comments on everything and it's hysterical. Like some of them are, are sarcastic and they always have advice for us of how we can better our life. And that's a question I always ask like, Hey, how can mom or dad or whomever, what can they do to improve or enhance their life? And they. Have something. And majority of the time, Jennifer, it's something the human already knows they should be doing. And to hear it from their pet, it's like, oh my gosh. Like I already knew that, but we obviously, you know, sometimes we don't do things that we know we should do. Um, so that's definitely a common theme. Another is that they don't like the phones in bed, like at nighttime. Interesting. I call it dooms doom scrolling. Yeah. I, I keep mine in bed. Yeah. I keep mine in another room. It never no electronics in the bedroom. yeah. And it's. Just being present. Oh, another thing this, and this is the third common theme is when you're taking your dog for a walk, don't be on your phone. Like they want you to be present with them. And a lot of people say, well, what about music? And I'm like, even the music cut it out because if you have music playing, if you have EarPods on. You're not hearing what they're hearing. You're not really in the same space as them. So they, they like the walk to be a mutual walk, not just, oh, I have to exercise my dog. Mm-hmm that makes so much sense. And it's so funny you say that because I have a, I live on this beautiful lake and we have a path and I always noticed that, especially one neighbor, he's always out there walking his dog and his face is smooshed in his phone. And I'm thinking that poor dog. Yeah. Like he needs some, so they very much animals are masters at the present. And they're just, I always say animals are our greatest teachers and they are truly just trying to teach us to be the best version of ourselves. And you could do all these things in the world to improve your life, but really what it boils down to is living in the present moment and the phones and I'm guilty of it too. The phone is such. A a distraction from present. Mm-hmm like hands down, none. Like, I mean, bar none. Oh, absolutely. Like I notice at night. Well they, both of them let me know when it's time to be done with work. Yeah. And then of course you're like, oh, I'll just check. Like, just to make sure there's nothing major that came through the email. And by one, Lola will just glare. Yes. Like she's just glaring at me, like enough and I'll be like, okay. like, no Martin. Right. And it's funny because they don't my one dog, Donald. He will be like there's times where I have to post my TikTok videos at night, they do better at night. Um, so he's, you know, I, there's no way around that. So I'll wait usually till he goes to bed because he puts himself to bed super early. So when he wants to go under the blankets and, and go to sleep. Then I'll grab my phone, but if I do it too soon to him doing that, he will come out from under the blankets, look at me and snort, like get off your phone. And he does, he can't even see what I'm doing, but you know, they're intuitive, their psychic. They know mm-hmm they totally know. Oh my goodness. I love this. So what advice for those who would like to become an animal communicator? What advice do you have for them? Where should they. reading the books. So on my website, under the resources tab, I have a whole list of books that were my favorite. They're not my books. I didn't write them one day. I will. But the they're the books that I started with, just read them because the first hurdle is, well, if you don't fully think this is possible, but like you wanna believe it, the books will help you with that. But these books just help kind of open your mind to the possibilities. So start with reading the books and. just practice. So I offer monthly workshops. Take my workshop, of course, but you don't have to. It's just practicing. Ask family and friends. Hey, can I do a practice session with your animal? Give me feedback. The feedback is the most important, because if you don't get feedback in the beginning, you're just gonna think you're talking to yourself. You're you're not gonna, you're not gonna convince yourself you're doing it unless you hear confirmation from people. So the feedback is a definite. That's cool. Now, if someone can't read all the books, is there one book that you're like, okay, this is like a must. I'm looking at them. Hold on. Okay. I would say, okay, so I have two and I'll explain why you could pick one, this one kinship with all life mm-hmm by Jay Allen. This is not teaching you how to communicate. This is like$11. It's not teaching you how to communicate with animals, but it's a phenomenal, phenomenal book. It's super simple, short, easy to read about this guy and how he literally talked to a fly in his house. Stick with me here. This fly people think flies die in 24 hours. Not true. This fly was in his house for 28 days. He named him, I think Freddy. And he would call him over. Hey, Freddy, can, can you come land on my left hand? And he would do it. Friends would come over. I don't believe you. So he would do this at all hours of the day. So this book we'll show you like, whoa, there is way more behind the scenes than we know. Mm-hmm the book to help you actually talk to animals is a book by Penelope Smith. That's called when animals speak. It's kind of thick. It's cute. Start with this. This is, she has three books in this series when animals speak, when animals talk and animals and. But I would start with those or one, one or the other, depending on what you're desiring, whether you're trying to convince yourself this is real, or you're trying to really get into animal communication. That's great. Thank you for that. That's gonna be super helpful. So over your short period of time, right? Because time just seems to go so quick these days, what has been your biggest aha moment as being an animal communicator that pets understand everything and there's, there's a difference between people say. How can our pets understand us? I tell my dog to stop barking and he doesn't listen. And my response is, well, when you tell your kids to do something, do they always listen? No. Doesn't mean they didn't hear you by just talking to your pets. Like I am speaking to you right now. It will change their life. A quick example to show you couple of years or so ago, I went away on, um, went to the beach for the weekend and I was real busy. Last minute packing, you know, I kissed my dogs goodbye and left, but I didn't explain where I was going, why I was going when I'd be. I came back on Sunday and my one dog wouldn't look at me. He literally gave me the butt for like a day. And I was like, what the heck? Because in my mind, I'm like Donald, you know where I'm going? You're read in my mind, but I really saw, I didn't communicate. I didn't, I didn't physically tell him where I was going fast forward. Two months later, I went to Arizona for a week with my mom. A week prior to leaving. I told him every day, I'm leaving on this day. At this time, I'm going to Arizona with my mom. We're going for vacation. What we're gonna be doing? I'm gonna be coming home Sunday. I land in Philly at four 30. I'll be home by five 30. My husband told me at five 10, Donald went from the back room to the front, to the living room and sat at the window, looking out the door because he knew I was gonna be home within 20. Just talk to your pets, give them the exact time. Tell, tell them where you're going. It's that simple? I love that. Oh, it gives me goosebumps and it's, it should be so reassuring to know that, especially cuz you know, like I have the cameras through the house so I can keep an eye on them. Of course I, I think it just annoys them sometimes, but it's nice to know that you can still even just be away and if you don't have cameras, you can, just talk to them through your mind, but really let them know ahead of time. Yeah. That's so huge. And while you're away, mentally check in, just visualize your heart, connecting with theirs, say hi, if your trip gets delayed, you know, I'm gonna be home Tuesday. Now just do that because they're gonna receive the message. Mm-hmm that's so huge. Oh my goodness. I love that. This has been so incredible. Nikki. We are getting to this time in the show where I asked this one question, are you ready? I, I think so. what is one thing that no one knows about? oh man, it was the eating disorder, but now people know that one thing. And tell me if this doesn't count, I still doubt myself. I still get nervous when I do my sessions. I don't, you know, I don't think I'm this master and I'm like, oh, everything is right. Because with psychic work, you know, I'm not transcribing a radio broadcast. So I still have days where I'm like, ah, am I doing this right? Am I making this up? Everyone, you know, we're all equals. It's just, you gotta just do it, believe in yourself and things will happen. That's beautiful. That 100% counts because that's real, that's real. And it's true. And we all have that in every day. No matter what you are, whether you're a pet psychic or whether you're an attorney, we all have those insecurity moments and we're all human and we have to embrace it. Yeah. Yeah. And anyone out there who is. I can do it. I'm the master. I'm never wrong. I can guarantee your pet's gonna tell me the answer, like run away because no one can guarantee that no way. Right. I agree. I agree. So, Nikki, will you share with our community, where can they get in contact with you? Definitely. So I am on TikTok and Instagram. My username is at Nikki Vasquez. There are so many scam. I'll never direct message. You don't fall forward. It's just Nicki SCON. And then my website is Nikki vases.com. Um, send me a message and email. Uh, that's how you can reach me. Awesome. Thank you, Nicki. Well, all of Nicki's contact information and links will be over in the show notes over@jenniferpilates.com. As we close out the show today, do you have one last piece of inspiration that you would like to share with our listeners? sure I would inspire all of you every day. No matter how busy you are, no matter what emotional state you're in. If you only have three minutes, take three minutes. Sit on the ground with your pets and just be with them. No phone. Just sit there. Even if you only have three minutes, that's that's not, that's better than nothing. Our animals live in the present moment. And you're gonna make their day just by doing that. That's so beautiful. Aw, whoop. I see some mouse time coming to a couple of kiddies after this. Aw, well again, Nikki, thank you so much for being on the show for sharing your incredible journey. And I wanna say again, congratulations. I cannot wait to ride this beautiful ride with you. This is so exciting. Thank you so much for having me. It was so fun. Chatting. Yeah, absolutely. Well, as we say until next time, may you live an empowered life from within. Thank you so much for tuning into another episode. Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe to Empowered Within with Jennifer Pilates. Your feedback is important. It helps me to connect with you and gives me insight into who you are and what you're enjoying about the show. For today's show, notes and discount codes from today's. Head over to jennifer pilates.com. Until next time, may you live an empowered life from within.